MyBatis persistence framework

1. Introduction

MyBatis is a persistence framework with support for custom SQL, stored procedures and advanced mappings.

1.1. Hibernate vs MyBatis

Hibernate is an object-relational mapping framework (ORM) which maps Java classes to database tables, and MyBatis is a persistence framework – not ORM, which maps SQL statements to Java methods.

2. Reference

MyBatis with Spring []

mybatis-spring []

mybatis-issues []

SSCCE : Short, Self Contained, Correct (Compilable), Example

Mapping Oracle user-defined object and its array []

3. Invoke stored procedure w/ a collection of custom type parameter

Fully functional PoC "so-so-56834806" (see reference "Mapping Oracle user-defined object and its array").

It requires a running OracleDB instance. Tested successfully using: Oracle Database XE 21c.

Replace jdbc dependency by:






And configure mybatis-config.xml, eg:

<property name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@" />

<property name="username" value="myuser" />

<property name="password" value="mypass" />



creates the stored procedure with parameter collection of custom type:

user_list in S_USER_OBJ_LIST,

where S_USER_OBJ_LIST is:

create or replace type S_USER_OBJ_LIST as table of S_USER_OBJ;

makes the magic for the List<User> stored procedure parameter.


maps the stored procedure parameter collection of custom type:


defines method:


with a parameter which it's a collection of custom type User:


has test:


that invokes the stored procedure with a collection of 2 User

This demo can be run with

mvn test