Business rules (alfresco)

1 Condiciones para la selección de ítems de contenido:

2 Acciones a ejecutar (sobre los ítems seleccionados):

Built-in JavaScript

Custom JavaScript

The Rules Wizard lists all of the JavaScript files that are available in the Company Home > Data Dictionary > Scripts space.

You can extend your business rules by writing your own JavaScript files and placing them in this space, so that they are visible to the Rules Wizard.


A scheduled action is made up of three parts:

A cron expression,

A query template, and

An action template.

You need to create a schedule action XML configuration file in your extensions folder,

in order to specify the scheduled time, and the custom JavaScript. You will find the

scheduled action sample file, scheduled-action-services-context.xml.sample,

Note: Restart the Alfresco server to ensure that the configuration changes are effective.

3 Rules triggers: