0. Introduction

PostgreSQL is a free and open-source relational database management system.

Sample commands were tested with Ubuntu 19.10.

1. Reference

SQL Fiddle []

A tool for easy online testing and sharing of database problems and their solutions.

Driver - Java compatibility matrix

2. Networking

PostgreSQL service listens, by default, on port TCP 5432

3. Installation

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install postgresql

4. Upgrade DBMS version

4.1. AWS Aurora

Using terraform, set the new engine version.

Upgrade matrix for Aurora PostgreSQL DB:

Find out version we have:

aws rds describe-db-clusters --db-cluster-identifier "cluster-defensatf-dev" --region eu-west-1 --query 'DBClusters[*].EngineVersion' --output text

Find out to which versions we can upgrade:

aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine aurora-postgresql --region eu-west-1 --engine-version 10.18 --query 'DBEngineVersions[].ValidUpgradeTarget[?IsMajorVersionUpgrade == `true`].{EngineVersion:EngineVersion}' --output text

Upgrade to version 11.13, use apply-inmediatly (except if using the maintenance window is desired):

aws rds modify-db-cluster --db-cluster-identifier "cluster-defensatf-dev" --engine-version 11.13 --allow-major-version-upgrade --apply-immediately

5. Console commands

5.1. Generic

·Using Systemd

sudo systemctl start postgresql.service

·Using SystemV

sudo service postgresql start

$ sudo -i -u postgres

$ psql

postgres=# \q

-List databases


-Create database 'mydb'

postgres=# create database mydb;


postgres=# create user mydb with encrypted password 'mydb';


postgres=# grant all privileges on database mydb to mydb;


-Delete database 'mydb'

UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = 'false' WHERE datname = 'mydb';

SELECT pg_terminate_backend(

FROM pg_stat_activity

WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'mydb';


5.2. CSV export

Exportació a .csv, incloent escapament de cometes ("), from a bash script:

echo $(PGPASSWORD=mypassword psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d mydb -c "\COPY (select * from my_table) TO 'myfile.csv' HEADER CSV;")

Exportació a .csv, from a bash script taking the \COPY command from an external file:


echo $(PGPASSWORD=gpradoc psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U gpradoc -d gpradoc -f <(tr -d '\n' < $file_psql_command ) 2>&1)

and the external file w/ the \COPY command:






) TO stdout HEADER CSV;

6. Backup & restore

6.1. Dump

It's important to keep the sequences, the following command does it.

pg_dump -h dbhost -U dbuser -f ./dbname-env.fc -F c dbname

Eg dump:

pg_dump -h -p 5432 --username dbuser --password -F c --file ./dbname-env.fc dbname

Eg restore:

psql -h -p 5432 --username dbuser --password --file ./dbname-env.fc

6.2. Empty destination database

If the destination database isn't new, it can be emptied dropping all tables and sequences. Replace <MY_TC> by the proper catalog (usually the dbname):

Drop all tables:

SELECT 'DROP TABLE ' || table_name ||';'

FROM information_schema.tables

WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND table_catalog='MY_TC' and table_schema='public';

Drop all sequences:

SELECT 'drop sequence if exists "' || relname || '" cascade;' FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'S'; 

Warning: View 'information_schema.sequences' doesn't have all sequences (it might have, eg, the 'hibernate_sequence' but not other sequences)

7. Performance

7.1. Execution time of active queries

(a) See active sessions (query executing time, etc.)

SELECT pid, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start), usename, query FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE query != '<IDLE>' AND query NOT ILIKE '%pg_stat_activity%' ORDER BY query_start desc; 

(b) Kill detected conflict session

SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid); 

where 'pid' is the session to be killed

7.2. SQL query optimizer

[] online suggests creation of indexes for SQL queries. It supports multiple databases.

Note: it requires a company e-mail address, eg: Login isn't possible w/ a personal e-mail address as

             The "Free" account only allows 1 SQL optimization (not repeatable)

Sample 1:

(a) Choose "Optimize a single query"

select *

from mytable

where f1='a' and f2='b'

order by f3

(b) Optional, upload the database metadata

It seems a feature for subscribers only.

(c) See the index creation suggestion

CREATE INDEX mytable_idx_a_b_c ON mytable (a,b,c);

Sample 2:






            comments AS c 


            c.PostId = LIMIT 1) 


        posts AS p 


        p.AnswerCount > 3 

        AND p.title LIKE '%optimized%' 

        AND p.CreationDate >= '2017-01-01 00:00:00' 


        p.CreationDate LIMIT 100


ALTER TABLE `comments` ADD INDEX `comments_idx_postid_id` (`PostId`,`id`);

ALTER TABLE `posts` ADD INDEX `posts_idx_answercoun_creationda_id` (`AnswerCount`,`CreationDate`,`id`);

ALTER TABLE `posts` ADD INDEX `posts_idx_creationdate` (`CreationDate`);