Try out v1.5 (OpenShift Origin)

1. Introduction

After starting an OpenShift Origin instance, you can try it out by creating an end-to-end application demonstrating the full OpenShift Origin concept chain.

Reference >

Remark: When running OpenShift Origin in a VM, you will want to ensure your host system can access ports 8080 and 8443 inside the container for the examples below.

2. Install client tools

On the client machine (an Ubuntu Desktop 17.04 64-bit in this specific case), download the client tools >


Once uncompressed, you'll have 3 files:



3. Log in, from the client machine, to the server as a regular user

Note: In this context, localhost is the client machine but port 8443 is accessing the openshift server in the VirtualBox machine (port forwarding has been set up in VirtualBox NAT)

./oc login https://localhost:8443 Username: test Password: test

4. Create a new project to hold your application

./oc new-project prova

5. Create a new application based on a Node.js image on the Docker Hub

./oc new-app openshift/deployment-example

6. Display a summary of the resources you created

./oc status
In project prova on server https://localhost:8443
svc/deployment-example -
  dc/deployment-example deploys istag/deployment-example:latest 
    deployment #1 deployed 10 minutes ago - 1 pod

7. Access the container image

The container image for your application will be pulled to the local system and started. Once it has started it can be accessed on the host. If this is your laptop or desktop, open a web browser to the service IP and port that was displayed for the application:

      1. (example)

If you are on a separate system and do not have direct network access to the host, SSH to the system and perform a curl command:

          1. $ curl # (example)
        1. You should see the v1 text displayed on the page.

8. Roll out a new version of the image

Now that your application is deployed, you can trigger a new version of that image to be rolled out to your host by tagging the v2 image. The new-app command created an image stream which tracks which images you wish to use. Use the tag command to mark a new image as being desired for deployment:

# Remark: getting started documentation command does not work. This one does:
./oc tag --source=docker openshift/deployment-example:v2 deployment-example:latest

Your application’s deployment config is watching deployment-example:latest and will trigger a new rolling deployment when the latest tag is updated to the value from v2.

#oc status shows the deployment
$ ./oc status
In project prova on server https://localhost:8443
svc/deployment-example -
  dc/deployment-example deploys istag/deployment-example:latest
    deployment #2 deployed 9 minutes ago - 1 pod
    deployment #1 deployed 14 hours ago
#Return to the browser or use curl (from the server if you do not have direct netwok access) again and you should see the v2 text displayed on the page.
$ curl

9. Building new container images

OpenShift Origin provides tools for running builds as well as building source code from within predefined builder images via the Source-to-Image toolchain.

Switch to the administrative user and change to the default project:

# Execute on server, ensuring the 'export' commands are set (it will autologin without asking for password)

$ oc login -u system:admin

$ oc project default

Already on project "default" on server "".

# NOTE: if you get "error: open /opt/openshift/openshift.local.config/master/admin.kubeconfig: permission denied"

# then execute at the openshift directory "sudo chmod a+rwX "$(pwd)"/openshift.local.config/master/admin.kubeconfig"

Set up an integrated Docker registry for the OpenShift Origin cluster:

$ oadm registry
--> Creating registry registry ...
    serviceaccount "registry" created
    clusterrolebinding "registry-registry-role" created
    deploymentconfig "docker-registry" created
    service "docker-registry" created
--> Success

Note: It will take a few minutes for the registry image to download and start - use oc status to know when the registry is started.

In project default on server

svc/docker-registry -

dc/docker-registry deploys

deployment #1 deployed 2 minutes ago - 1 pod

svc/kubernetes - ports 443, 53->8053, 53->8053

Change back to the test user and test project:

# Note: user 'test' has password 'test'
$ oc login -u test $ oc project prova
Already on project "prova" on server "".

Create a new application that combines a builder image for Node.js with example source code to create a new deployable Node.js image:

$ oc new-app openshift/nodejs-010-centos7~
--> Found Docker image b3b1ce7 (5 months old) from Docker Hub for "openshift/nodejs-010-centos7"
    Node.js 0.10 
    Platform for building and running Node.js 0.10 applications
    Tags: builder, nodejs, nodejs010
    * An image stream will be created as "nodejs-010-centos7:latest" that will track the source image
    * A source build using source code from will be created
      * The resulting image will be pushed to image stream "nodejs-ex:latest"
      * Every time "nodejs-010-centos7:latest" changes a new build will be triggered
    * This image will be deployed in deployment config "nodejs-ex"
    * Port 8080/tcp will be load balanced by service "nodejs-ex"
      * Other containers can access this service through the hostname "nodejs-ex"
--> Creating resources ...
    imagestream "nodejs-010-centos7" created
    imagestream "nodejs-ex" created
    buildconfig "nodejs-ex" created
    deploymentconfig "nodejs-ex" created
    service "nodejs-ex" created
--> Success
    Build scheduled, use 'oc logs -f bc/nodejs-ex' to track its progress.
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.

A build will be triggered automatically using the provided image and the latest commit to the master branch of the provided Git repository. To get the status of a build, run:

$ oc status

which will summarize the build. When the build completes, the resulting container image will be pushed to the Docker registry.

Note: Failed with error in the logs:

"error: build error: Failed to push image: Get http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client"

$ docker --version

Docker version 17.04.0-ce, build 4845c56

Note: ONLY if you need to clean-up and restart the oc command for the new-app
#List all names
oc get all
#Delete all names related to 'nodejs-ex'
oc delete ...

Once it succeeds, result is:

$ oc status
In project prova on server
svc/deployment-example -
  dc/deployment-example deploys istag/deployment-example:latest 
    deployment #2 deployed 8 days ago - 1 pod
    deployment #1 deployed 8 days ago
svc/nodejs-ex -
  dc/nodejs-ex deploys istag/nodejs-ex:latest <-
    bc/nodejs-ex source builds on istag/nodejs-010-centos7:latest 
    deployment #1 deployed 26 minutes ago - 1 pod
View details with 'oc describe <resource>/<name>' or list everything with 'oc get all'.

View the service IP using your browser or curl:

$ curl

10. Web console

OpenShift Origin includes a web console which helps you visualize your applications and perform common creation and management actions. You can use the test user we created above to log in to the console via https://<server>:8443/console.

ONLY if using NAT in the VM network:

a) Edit host /etc/hosts localhost openshift.local # VM openshift origin
b) Start openshift with the 'public' hostname
sudo ./openshift start --public-master=https://openshift.local:8443
c) From host, access the web console (Virtual Box has port forwarding configured from 8443 to 8443)

11. What's next?

Developers: Web Console Walkthrough >