1. Introduction

  • Apache CXF FAQ

2. Compatibility matrix

2.1. JDK 1.5

CXF 2.6.x and older can run w/ JDK 5

3. JAX-WS w/ CXF quick reference

Parameter of type Long, nullable

With other types, eg: Integer, CXF accepts null if declared required = false

But with type Long, it throws exception message " Unmarshalling Error: For input string: """

The solution is to explicitly indicate that the parameter is nillable, eg:

@WebMethod(operationName = "myOperation")

@WSDLDocumentation("It is my operation")


ProgresExpedientVO getProgresEstudiantCertificat(//

@WebParam(name = "academicRecordCode") @XmlElement(

required = false, nillable = true) /*@Nullable*/ Long academicRecordCode, //

@WebParam(name = "anIntegerParam") @XmlElement(

required = false, nillable = true) /*@Nullable*/ Integer anIntegerParam)//

throws AppException;

4. cxf-codegen-plugin (WSDL to Java)

4.1. Binding file

The goal is avoid generation of the JAXBElement types.

File: src\main\resources\jaxws\wsdl_bindings.xjb

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<jaxb:bindings version="2.0" xmlns:jaxb=""

xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsd=""





<jaxb:globalBindings generateElementProperty="false" underscoreBinding="asCharInWord">

<xjc:serializable uid="27"/>




4.2. Properties (pom.xml)



4.3. Using JDK 1.5

Example using JDK 1.5 w/ maven dependencies:

<!-- @WebService and other annotations -->







versions after 2.2.4 requires jdk6, please refer








<!-- cxf-bundle 2.6.17 includes jaxb-impl














<!-- adding generated source (it adds a new build_class_path to the project) -->







































































5. Port client initialization (example)

Notice that it requires "?wsdl" at the end of the wsdl location url.

5.2. Evaluation (example)

private AvaluacioServicePortType avaluacioPort;



* Auxiliary method for initializing the SOAP port binding provider.<br>

* No authentication.<br>




* @param bindingProvider -

* @param endPointUrl -


private void initializeBindingProvider(final BindingProvider bindingProvider,

final String endPointUrl) {

// Context that is used to initialize the message context for request messages

final Map<String, Object> requestContext = bindingProvider.getRequestContext();

// url endpoint

requestContext.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endPointUrl);

// []

requestContext.put("", 1024);

// []

requestContext.put("", 120000 + 200);


* Needed for avoiding authPort.getContextByModule(module, s) error:

* "Unexpected element appIdTrain in response"


requestContext.put("set-jaxb-validation-event-handler", "false");



* Avaluacio WS port.


* @return Port

* @throws IOException


public AvaluacioServicePortType getAvaluacioPort() throws IOException {

if (this.gatAvaluacioPort == null) {

final URL wsdlUrlTmp = (new ClassPathResource("wsdls/AvaluacioService.wsdl")).getURL();

final URL wsdlUrl = new URL(wsdlUrlTmp.toString() + "?wsdl");

final AvaluacioService service = new AvaluacioService(wsdlUrl);

// URL endpoint

String endpointUrlBase = System.getProperty("host");

String endpointPath = "/avaluacio-ws/services/AvaluacioService";

final String urlWsService = endpointUrlBase + endpointPath;

// Soap port initialization

final AvaluacioServicePortType port = service.getAvaluacioServiceHttpPort();

this.initializeBindingProvider((BindingProvider) port, urlWsService);


this.gatAvaluacioPort = port;



return this.avaluacioPort;


5.2. gestorDocum (example)

GestorDocumService gestorDocumPort;

final URL wsdlUrlTmp = (new ClassPathResource("wsdls/GestorDocumService.wsdl")).getURL();

final URL wsdlUrl = new URL(wsdlUrlTmp.toString() + "?wsdl");

final GestorDocumServiceImplService service = new GestorDocumServiceImplService(wsdlUrl);

// URL endpoint

String endpointUrlBase = System.getProperty("host");

String gestorDocumUrlEndpoint = "/gestordocum-ws/GestorDocumService";

final String urlWsService = endpointUrlBase + gestorDocumUrlEndpoint;

// Soap port initialization

final GestorDocumService port = service.getGestorDocumServiceImplPort();

this.initializeBindingProvider((BindingProvider) port, urlWsService);


gestorDocumPort = port;

6. Unit & integration tests

6.1. JUnit 4 (example)


public class ResumenActaActionTest {

static {

// Set environment variables

System.setProperty("host", "");


