Activiti 6 on Tomcat 8.5 with PostgreSQL 9.5


Let's configure an standalone Activiti on Tomcat for using PostgreSQL DB.

Install PostgreSQL

Let's install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 18.04:

sudo apt install postgresql

Note: if specific version is required (might not be supported by the OS version), just try:

sudo apt install postgresql-9.5

After installation message appears:

Success. You can now start the database server using:

/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgresql/9.5/main -l logfile start

Ver Cluster Port Status Owner Data directory Log file

9.5 main 5432 down postgres /var/lib/postgresql/9.5/main /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-9.5-main.log

Post-installation checks

Installing PostgreSQL on Ubuntu should start the service by default but check that it's running with:

systemctl status postgresql

If PostgreSQL is running, you'll see output that includes the text Active: active (exited).

If you see Active: inactive (dead), start the PostgreSQL service using the following command:

systemctl start postgresql

If PostgreSQL needs to be enabled to start on reboot. Do that with this command:

systemctl enable postgresql

Set PostgreSQL password

Let's use user postgres, password postgres:

$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres

psql (9.5.13)

Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \password

Enter new password:

Enter it again:

postgres=# \quit

Note: If using a new specific user for the database,

psql=# alter user <username> with encrypted password '<password>';

psql=# grant all privileges on database <dbname> to <username>;

Create a new PostgreSQL database

sudo -u postgres createdb -O postgres activiti

activiti-6.0.0/database/create$ sudo -u postgres psql -d activiti -a -f activiti.postgres.create.engine.sql

activiti-6.0.0/database/create$ sudo -u postgres psql -d activiti -a -f activiti.postgres.create.history.sql

activiti-6.0.0/database/create$ sudo -u postgres psql -d activiti -a -f activiti.postgres.create.identity.sql

JDBC postgresql

Let's download file "PostgreSQL JDBC 4.2 Driver, 42.2.2" from

And place it in the directory: apache-tomcat-8.5.31/lib/

Configuration file > apache-tomcat-8.5.31/lib/





datasource.preferred-test-query=select 1





Default user 'admin', pass 'test'

Now, any change is persisted in the PostgreSQL database and it's available after restarting Tomcat:

