Jack Benny Errors Page 7

52-12-21 826 Setting Up Christmas Tree was a rebroadcast from 57-12-22 From Veterans Hospital - Long Beach  sponsored by Insurance Company of New York. The 1952 episode was sponsored by Lucky Strikes

53-04-05 Easter Parade was 53-01-18 Buying an Umbrella Stand. 53-04-05 should start with Jack is getting ready to do his stroll down Wilshire Boulevard. He is in the shower and Rochester makes a comment.  The correct 53-04-05 opening line is "Ladies and Gentlemen, it's Easter Sunday and in cities all over the country people are parading." 

53-01-18 Buying an Umbrella Stand begins "Ladies and gentlemen, last night Jack Benny gave a party at his home for the sponsor."

53-05-17 I Flew to Mars is sometimes 53-02-01 High Noon. The correct 53-05-17 should open with "Ladies and Gentlemen, immediately after this radio show, Jack Benny will do another of his monthly television programs over the CBS network. But in the meantime, let's go back to last Monday when Jack returned from a successful personal appearance at the Curran Theatre in San Francisco." The reference to CBS is cut out of the AFRS version of the show.

54-07-18 Mean Old Man is an incorrect date for that show. It should be 54-03-21

54-08-15 Ghost Of Diamond Jim Brady aka Seance s/b 54-04-25

54-10-10 Jack Takes Polly to the Psychiatrist is an edited version of 53-09-27.  It may have been broadcast that way. Some differences.


2:44 Mary: That's right. Don: Say, look at Jack. Say, he's just standing on the other side of the street.

3:52 Mary: I'll have the same. Waitress: OK. Hey wait a minute. Aren't you Mary Livingstone? 

27:08 Jack will be back in just a minute but first a word from one of the world's funniest men of letters, America's poet laureate, Ogden Nash


3:03 Mary: That's right. (dialogue cut) Don: Oh, here we are Jack.

3:43 Mary: I'll have the same.  (dialogue cut) Don: Now, miss...miss. 

25:32 Jack will be back in just a minute but first (next language is a dub) the sweetheart of Lucky Strike, Dorothy Collins.

54-04-04 was really 54-02-28

54-10-17 Purple Pirate opening line "Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight Jack Benny does another television program, but in the meantime let's go back to this morning in Beverly Hills" 52-11-16  opening line "Ladies and Gentlemen, it's morning in Beverly Hills"

54-12-05 Christmas Shopping It plays at a high speed at times, and it appears to have new material, but also seems to have bits from a previous episode spliced in.


Jack did "High Noon" twice, on 1952-09-28 (opens with Bea Benadaret saying "Hello, this is CBS, the stars' address. May I help you?") and on 1953-02-01 (opens "As you know, ladies and gentlemen, the new administration is carrying on a big change in Washington. But this is Hollywood, so now I give you a man who never carries any change, Jack Benny!")

Despite what some logs say, the '53 show is NOT a rerun of the '52 show.

Jerry Haendiges’ log has 53-12-06 listed as 'Jack Gets Mugged - Don's For Dinner'. This is incorrect as ‘Jack Gets Mugged – Don’s For Dinner’ was originally broadcast on 54-11-14 and repeated on 56-12-16.

54-10-17 Purple Pirate Jack did "Purple Pirate" twice, on 1952-11-16 and 1954-10-17.  Apparently, the 1954 show is NOT a pure repeat of '52.  The scripts and a reference book indicate that the '54 ep includes a phone call from Mister Kitzel that is not in the '52 show. 

The 1956 Christmas Special show (40+ minutes in duration) - The Jack Benny Fan Club lists the show as 12/21.  UCLA, which has a copy of the show, has it at 12/23! I'd suggest dating it as 1956-12-xx pending further investigation.

Thanks to Charles Salt for numerous additions to the Jack Benny pages.