Bai (Anuo)

Audio recordings: Andrew Hsiu. (2017). Bai (Anuo) audio word list. Zenodo.

Conference presentations: Hsiu, Andrew. 2013. New endangered Tibeto-Burman languages of southwestern China: Mondzish, Longjia, Pherbu, and others.

On April 17, 2013, I recorded the following two informants who spoke Bai 白 or "Minjia 民家" in 阿诺, Badaoshao Township 八道哨彝族乡, Qiubei County, Yunnan, China.

  • Li Shuixian 李水仙 (age 49, female), illiterate

  • Zhao Shuimei 赵水妹 (age 49, female)

My informants report they cannot understand Bai of Dali, but that the Bai of Dali understand their speech. They also told me that in Qiubei County, “Minjia” locations are Anuo 阿诺 (locally a1nuo2), Buyi 布宜 (locally bu4ni2), Mazhelong 马者龙 (locally ma1zhe1long3).