Buyi (Aboji)

Audio recordings: Andrew Hsiu. (2017). Buyi (Aboji) audio word list. Zenodo.

Conference presentations: Hsiu, Andrew. 2013. “Shui” varieties of western Guizhou and Yunnan.

Transcribed word list

On April 13, 2013, I visited the ethnic "Shui" village of Upper Abaiji (locally called Aboji) 上阿白吉村 in Luoping County, Yunnan, China. The village was very remote, and was accessible only via a narrow footpath that was one hour's walk from the nearest paved road. I had to walk one hour there, with a local guide leading me on the path up to Aboji village.

My informant was a 66-year-old man named Wang Qibing 王齐兵. Wang reported that his language, which I have determined to be a Buyi dialect, was mutually intelligible with Shui of Luo’e, Fuyuan County. Locals Han Chinese and even the Shui themselves also refer to the Shui as “Buyi.” Wang also reported that there are ethnic Yi in Fanai 发耐, Xinzhai 新寨, Xinfacun 新发村.