Kim Mun (Shaba)

Audio recordings: Andrew Hsiu. (2017). Kim Mun (Shaba) audio word list. Zenodo.

Transcribed word list (selected words): Hsiu, Andrew. 2017. Mienic lexical isogloss database. m.s.

Transcribed word list (full)

On April 18, 2013, I visited the Kim Mun of Shaba 沙坝, Zhetu Township 者兔乡. There are also Kim Mun in neighboring Yangtianchong 秧田冲. My informants were Pan Jingao 盘金高 (born October 15, 1976) and his father. They said that they are native to the area, with no migration stories.

Kim Mun of Shaba preserves breathy and creaky registers very clearly, making this a potentially important dialect for reconstructing Proto-Mienic.