Red Gelao (Houzitian)

Audio recordings: Andrew Hsiu. (2017). Red Gelao (Houzitian) audio word list. Zenodo.

Conference presentations: Hsiu, Andrew. 2013. The Gelao languages: Preliminary classification and state of the art.

Transcribed word list (selected words)

On August 1, 2012, I found the last living speaker of Houzitian Red Gelao, an 88-year-old woman named Guo Yunxiu 郭云秀. She was living in Luomadong 罗马洞 (18 组), Qinglong village 青龙村, Langdai township 郎岱镇, Liuzhi Special District, Guizhou, China after she married a man from that village, but she was born in Houzitian 猴子田, Liuzhi Special District, Guizhou. Her son drove me in his minivan, and also invited me to a meal of dog meat soup.

Guo reported that she had not conversed in Red Gelao with other Red Gelao speakers for about 20 years.