
Audio recordings (Hamtic dialect): Andrew Hsiu. (2017). Inati (Hamtic) audio word list. Zenodo.

Audio recordings (Guimaras dialect): Andrew Hsiu. (2017). Inati (Guimaras) audio word list. Zenodo.

Additional word list (not transcribed from audio recordings): Panden, Delia. Inati vocabulary by Delia Panden (draft)

In September 2013, I recorded 2 dialects of Inati in the Philippines.

  • An Ati settlement in Jordan, Guimaras. Turnoff to the right as one is approaching the Sibunag municipality gate from the harbor.

  • Poblacion 4, Hamtic, Antique, Panay Island

In Jordan, Guimaras, my informants reported that they had relatives in Barotac Viejo, Iloilo. The villagers are impoverished, and reported often skipping meals. Villagers there also make some woven handicrafts (basketry, etc.) for a living.

In Hamtic, my Ati Informants were Delia Panden and Carlito Panden of Poblacion 4, Hamtic, Antique.

Carlito Panden is a pastor at a local Protestant church that is very close to the town center, while Delia Panden is an elementary school teacher. They speak Inati, Kinaray-a, Tagalog, and English. Their church gets some funding from churches in South Korea too.

The Panden couple also expressed interest in publishing their Inati vocabulary notes as a book.

Carlito Panden also brought me to Tina Victory Church, which was located in Barangay Tina.

Tina Victory Church

Agape Christian International Ministries, Inc.

In partnership with Book Sung Church, Daegu, Korea

Barangay Tina, Hamtic, Antique, Philippines