Some Proto-rGyalrongic reconstructions

Andrew Hsiu

May 2018

Please cite as: Hsiu, Andrew. 2018. Some Proto-rGyalrongic reconstructions. <>.

Please note that this is a working draft that will be periodically updated.

Here are 112 of my preliminary Proto-rGyalrongic reconstructions, based on data from:

Nagano, Yasuhiko and Prins, Marielle (eds.). 2013. rGyalrongic Languages Database. Minpaku.

Proto-rGyalrongic is an elegant marvel. It may be one of the most conservative reconstructable Sino-Tibetan meso-languages. It is clear that a reconstruction of Proto-Sino-Tibetan would definitely need to take Proto-rGyalrongic into account, since Proto-Sino-Tibetan morphology, phonology, and lexicon would have looked very similar to those of Proto-rGyalrongic. In order to understand how reflexes of highly eroded eastern Sino-Tibetan languages had gotten to where they are from Proto-Sino-Tibetan, it is crucial to consider Proto-rGyalrongic.


Proto-rGyalrongic has many sesquisyllables (minor syllables). Some consonant clusters are part of the main syllable; these are different from sesquisyllables that are separated by syllable boundaries.


The prefixes *t.- and *k.- are the most common ones. *k.- generally tends to be used with numerals, animals, intransitive verbs, and some adjectives. *t.- tends to be used with body parts and some nouns. However, *k.- is also used for some body parts, and *t.- is also used for some numerals and animals. Fricatives and nasals can precede consonants to form consonant clusters.

Some body parts are prefixed with *t.r-:

*t.rkʰom ‘wing’

*t.rnaʔ ‘ear’

*t.rnok ‘brain’

Some body parts are prefixed with *t.ʃ-:

*t.ʃba ‘cheek’

*t.ʃci ‘urine’

*t.ʃmje ‘tongue’

*t.ʃna ‘nose’

*t.ʃnje ‘heart’

List of reconstructions

*(t) ‘moon’

*cem ‘house’

*ə.jo ‘he, she (3.SG)’

*k.cap ‘bitter’

*k.cor ‘sour’

*k.ɣju ‘fish’

*k.jak ‘thick’

* ‘buy’

*k.mbat, k.wat ‘near’

*k.mŋu, k.mŋa ‘five’

*k.mot; *k.tʰi ‘drink’

*k.mpar ‘sell’

*; *əC.ksəC ‘smell (v.)’

* ‘laugh’

*k.nak ‘black’

*k.ndzaʔ ‘eat’

*k.nis; * ‘two’

*k.ɲom; *k.kʰiʔ ‘thin’

*k.ŋa.kru ‘cry, weep’

*k.ŋgu ‘nine’

*k.pli, k.βde ‘four’

*k.po.stsa ‘mosquito’

*k.pri ‘snake’

*k.prom ‘white’

*k.rcʰe ‘far’

*k.rman ‘sleep’

*k.ʃna ‘spider’

*k.ʃnis ‘seven’

*k.sum ‘three’

*k.trok ‘six’

*k.tsaʔ; * ‘grass’

*k.tsu ‘monkey’

*k.wa.ntrok; *k.m.ʃtak; *k.rkʰu ‘cold’

*k.zar; *k.rɲam; *mɲan.goŋ ‘river’

*k.βjam ‘fly, to’

*ka.ncʰa ‘kill’

*ka.rwa ‘dig’

*kʰ ‘wind’

*kʰji; *k.naʔ; *k.ta ‘dog’

*kʰuŋ ‘tiger’

*m.tok, t.pat ‘flower’

*mba.bu ‘bee’

*mbo lej; *n.ŋa ‘cattle, cow’

*mbras ‘rice (grain)’

*mdza.ji ‘flea’

*ndʒuk ‘bamboo’

*noʔ ‘thou (2.SG)’

*ŋa ‘I (1.SG)’

*p(w)ak ‘pig’

*p.gom ‘egg’

*p.tsje ‘bird’

*; *d(ʒ).lok; *prak 'rock' ‘stone’

*rŋ; *; *waj.mik ‘tail’

*ʃ.mɲak; *k.pjek ‘bow’

*ʃ.ru ‘bone’

*ʃa; *t.mtʰam ‘meat, flesh’

*ʃam ‘iron’

*; *k.ʃək ‘new’

*sar; *srak ‘louse’

*stok ‘bean’

*ʃtri; *sʁa ‘ten’

*; *ɣ.rə ‘water’

*t.jak ‘hand’

*t.ju, t.rŋa ‘face’

*t.kap ‘needle’

*t.kʰa; *t.mcʰi; *t.ɣmor ‘mouth’

*t.kʰuʔ ‘smoke’

*t.kuʔ ‘head’

*t.mi ‘female’

*t.mi, t.mcik ‘fire’

*t.mjeʔ ‘foot, leg’

*t.mki ‘neck’

*t.mɲa ‘field’

*t.mɲak ‘eye’

*t.mor; *ʃ.war, sar ‘night’

* ‘sky’

*; *c.rnak ‘rain’

*t.ndri ‘skin’

* ‘breast’

*t.ŋi ‘sun’

*t.pje; *a.ko ‘year’

*t.pok.cʰi(k) ‘navel’

*t.pʃje ‘feces, excrement’

*t.pu ‘child’

*t.rgei; *k.tek ‘one’

*t.rkʰom ‘wing’

*t.rmi ‘human, person’

*t.rmje ‘name’

*t.rmo ‘dream’

*t.rnaʔ ‘ear’

*t.rnok ‘brain’

*t.rpje; *t.tro ‘earth’

*t.ʃba ‘cheek’

*t.ʃci; *t.bri ‘urine’

*t.ʃi ‘blood’

*t.ʃi ‘fruit’

*t.ʃis ‘die’

*t.ʃmje ‘tongue’

*t.ʃna ‘nose’

*t.ʃni ‘day’

*t.ʃnje ‘heart’

*t.ʃu ‘hair’

*t.swa ‘tooth’

*t.wam; *t.gom ‘bear’

*t.ʒgu ‘boat’

*t.βʃi ‘liver’

* ‘road’

*ts.ŋgri; * ‘star’

*tsʰa ‘salt’

*waj.mjak; *taj.p/wak; * ‘leaf’

*wo.rjat ‘eight’

*zdem ‘cloud’