Phoenix Knight

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Invitados los jugadores de PK (Roderick? Alguien?) a completar el documento...

Roderick (Agradecimiento a Valahano, por postear en el foro de Dex esta guia util)

Any tank is very valuable in pvp:

  • Aggro & mass aggro - if you have swm in party you can spam these at quite a decent rate, which means that you keep at least one enemy damage dealer off your healer, or you force your enemy to heal with mass heals/balance only. Enchants on these skills can lower enemy's pdef or patk down to -30%.
  • Debuffs - various tanks have different debuffs. For example, touch of death can make enemy cardinal's life bitter.
    • However, every tank has root and stun. I can only speak for PK's root and it's pure crap: +0 never lands on players, on test server +30 was the same. Stun, however, is quite annoying - just run around and stun everyone. While your party is killing cardi, go and stun ES/SS, then run to stun nuker.
  • Shield of Faith - for 15s (enchantable on time) your party gets 0 damage - all damage goes to tank while tank is in UD.
  • People with less pvp experience keep hitting tank after agro - this is a win for your party. It's hard to kill a tank, especially when the tank has 3x UD + mdef UD.
  • Lvl 83 skills that boost party's fighting abilities - PK's skill is called Flame Icon.

Now, what makes PK special for pvp is its healing abilities.

With properly enchanted sacrifice skill you can heal yourself very effectively. But the important thing is that you can heal others up to 4k even. Just grab sword of valhalla with acumen and you have a very quick heal to save your robes.

After lvl 83 PK also gets a summon - it does decent damage, can cleanse and is overall a fun thing to have around.

The bottom line is - with PK there is plenty to do in pvp, usually there's no time to even blink.

Same things mostly apply to pve.

However, aggro never works as expected for raids - at first you can keep the mob on you, but later raids just jump on random targets. So it's impossible to control raids (or any other mobs that live long enough). Although I haven't tried to enchant aggro for power, I don't think this is how it's supposed to be. But we deal with what we have, I guess.

Well, at least mass aggro is good to manage minions.

PK also has angelic icon skill and an easy way to drop its HP below 30%, so you can turn on AI easily and do quite a good damage in farming.

Regarding PK being a good oly farmer - I have mixed feelings. In theory PK is good char for oly (summon, self heals), but in Dex reality is a bit different. You need high level and good armor/juwe. But even those things won't help you if you meet a class that can cancel. In oly fight I start with a little over 12 buffs and I lose all of them after 2 cancels from sorc. Daggers with pvp weapons also quickly leave you without buffs and then you're done.

Anyway, to conclude - get your PK to at least s80, enchant few skills and you'll have plenty of fun. At least I never regret playing this tank.