The Chosen Empire of Dajj


Population: 20,150,000

Coinage: Bat ( 0.1 silver), Moing ( 0.25 Silver), Dhou ( 1 silver ), Dhoumoing( 2.5 Silver), Lang ( 10.0 Siver ).

Language: Khou Bok

Geography: the Dajj encompasses both forks of the Xing-Mu river basin, from the Xing-Mu delta to the headwaters in the north and the vast Pai Shin Tong Lake in the West. To the north lies the vast Empire of Shou Lung. To the East lies D'Shing-Da, to the West is Dai and the Omdegi. To this south lies the great trade city-state of Monga’dwe on the Monga peninsula – who's life blood is in their control of the Straight of Kalichimya, and the endless Savage Islands beyond.

Government: Feudal Theocracy lead by the High Dajj. Each city is ruled either through direct representation of the clergy (the Dajj) or is the personal property of a Dyamo, or Feudal Lord. Dyamo are elected to the Dajj by the Council of Providence. It is up to each Dyamo to prove their worthiness and Favor of the Deva's (Saints / aspects of righteousness) and their rejection of the Ashura (Demons / aspects of sinfulness).

The Government is split between two bodies: the Thom, which is comprised of the Council of Providence and the Wat, the House of the Dyamo. The Thom is comprised of those Clergy elected from the various recognized Sects, and has the primary roles of Theological Jurisprudence, accepting or vetoing laws promoted by the Wat, and elevating a new Dajj after each 10 year reign.

The Wat is an ever evolving body, comprised of the Nobel Dyamo who have not been elevated to the Thom through worthiness. The Wat is primarily concerned with legislating, determining Mercantile Concessions, and determining the Imperial Budget. There are no set rules as to who can attend the Wat, but generally membership is acknowledged by the 7 Great Families. Rarely do members actually attend the Wat, rather send trusted family members to act in proxy.

The Dajj is the final arbiter of all things proposed by the Thom and directly controls the Imperial Guard.

High Dajj Jo-Sa Yi Mai Bat was recently elevated after the Glorious Ascension of Zho-Min Lu Bang

The 7 Great Families or Dyamo:

There are many minor families that rise and fall in eminence, but these are the stalwarts of the Empire.

Religion: Polytheistic / Ancestor Worship The Clergy of the Dajj are the holders of the revealed scripture of the Hidden Hand, and comprise several 'Sects' with slightly different interpretations of these hidden texts. Each of these Sects hold a Seat within the Council of Providence, from which the High Dajj is elevated.

The Hidden Hand permeates all things, and infuses life with its spark. It can be considered the grand clockmaker, an interested, but passive observer of all creation. His intervention in the world takes the form of Devas, Ashura, Seers, Prophet, and those Chosen to Greatness.

Basic tenets:

The Sects:The Kai (or Guardians) Were founded over 2000 years ago by the Deva Xai Bo Shung Bat. The Sect was founded specifically to combat the Kailu-dyeyang, their fascination with the Shadow and their Ashura Master Gao Shungbiyam. Kai Dojo contain masters of Wing Chung, All Animal forms, and Meditation.

The Taumintong (Eternal Thought) have no known founding date. Their revered founder, Dhou Bang Zung, was the first known Contemplative Master to teach the Zen Arts of Wing Chung to disciples throughout Ming-Pau. It is said the Grandmasters of the Taumintong are also great Wizards of great power, but it is not known what secrets or artifacts they posses. Their main goal is understanding of Self and the Universe, which they claim are the same.

The Kizayshaya (Seekers of Truth) were founded by twins, the Deva Kizay and the Ashura Shaya. The Kizayshaya are the Inquisitors and the Legates of the Empire. It is their duty to Judge, and when necessary Prosecute. The Dojo’s of the Kizayshaya alone teach the difficult, but rewarding ‘White Crane’ a style of combat that requires balance, discipline and strength.

The Bo (The Watchers) seek signs of Prophets and Seekers, those who have been touched by the Hidden Hand. They also decide who of the Wat may enter the rolls of the Thom. It is not known if the Bo has a Style, but those whom have been observed in combat generally use the Animal Forms. The Bo are generally associated with the Deva Fiyang, Master of Wisdom.

The Niyan (The Hidden) are masters of Shadows, but not seekers of The Shadow. The Niyan were founded by the Emperor Yhou Ping Zhou Deng Fai as his master spies and assassins. It is said they still fulfill this function to this day for the Emperor, and those who can afford them. Their style is Ninjutsu and they are masters of Illusion and Confusion..

Kailu-dyeyang (The Undying) were founded by the Ashura Master Gao Shungbiyam explicitly to explore Shadow and the Afterlife. They are a sanctioned sect of the Empire and as such placed under certain restrictions as to what they may explore. But it is whispered that these restrictions are not followed well. The Kailu-dyeyang perform all rituals and ceremonies of Remembrance, Ascension and passing throughout the Empire. Their style is Jujutsu. It is also rumored that the Kailu-dyeyang dabble in Shadow and Necromantic magic of various forms.

A partial list of Deva and Ashura: (Clerical domains in parens)



Ancestors of the 7 Great Families:Each founding Ancestor will have a shrine dedicated to them within the family compound. Acknowledged family members will have their ashes interred in within the shire for reverence by their descendents. When a patrilineal line goes extinct, the Ancestors statue will be buried head down within the shrine, and the grove will be sown with salt, to mourn the passing of the family, and condemning the aspects of all interred ancestors to the Khou-Bok, the voiceless nothingness.

Economics: Large scale agriculture performed by serfs (individuals owned by landowners), free holders, and urban collectives. Trade and manufacturing conducted by contractual monopolies controlled by the various Houses. Finally, a large merchant marine controlled by trading Houses which deliver goods from monopolistic franchises to foreign ports for a % of gross.

Regional Challenges: The Dai to the west is a vassal state, having been defeated in battle 150 years ago by House Lung Gao with official support of the Dajj of Fao Zek (an Imperial city to the west). To the south are the insufferable Orcs of the savage isles, against which the Eternally Victorious Navies of the Dajj strive to contain and to bring to Civilization.

Finally, there is always the threat of the squat, myopic giant to the north taking notice and flexing her might; Shou Lung. There currently is an effort to colonize and exploit the upper reaches of the Xing-Mu basin, but there is a fear that this will weaken the natural wild boundaries between Shou Lung and The Dajj.