The Freemasons (prior to WW2)

From the Archives of the Order of Freemasons.

The History since the founding of the North American Chapter of the Masons.

Our history begins with Cromwell. But we must go earlier to understand reality. Let me state this simply: everything you’ve ever heard, but thought was stupid or fantastic? It’s all true. Beowulf, Titans, Greek Gods, God Kings, all of it. True. How? Not all men are created equal. It is that simple. Some men and women are better than the common man. And by better I don’t mean aristocracy, or hereditary rule or any of that nonsense. They are simply better. Stronger. Smarter. Faster. Tougher. And this is how it has always been. And we have always ruled, in one way or the other. From the God Kings of Egypt to the Nordic Heroes to the Conjurers of Asia who summoned thrall demons to infest the Mongols to do their bidding. All true. And all our ancestors who have ruled over the common man for all time.

From these rude beginnings arose the Syndicates. The Guilds. The Royal Houses. The Leagues. We are one of these.

So. Our particular chapter begins with Cromwell. He didn’t particularly agree with how Charles I ran England at the time (partially due to his wasteful and expensive ‘thirty years war’ in Germany over some useless spot of land that Frederick wanted, but mostly because of the Eleven Years of Tyranny, in which he ignored the advice of the Order), so he used his abilities to lead a revolution. But it turned out that he was worse than the ‘mad king’, and thus an alliance was forged between Mathias Franklin (Master of Arms of the Freemasons) and the House Saxe-Weibar (Windsor). The Order would support the Saxes, in exchange for a splitting of the English Order between the Americas and the Indies. So, our founders traveled to Boston and began our consolidation in North America.

The First great conflict came 100 years later in what became knows as the Colonial Wars, or the French and Indian wars. This was caused by a conflict between the French, English and Hapsburgian Syndicates over control for Totem of El Dorado. This conflict ravaged the colonial settlements over much of the continent drawing in many of the Native Nations as well (in fact many historians have called this the First World War. Others disagree, giving that title to the 30 Years war). Luckily, we were able to secure this artifact under the noses of the European Syndicates and the Iroquois Mystics. But the price. All three European Syndicates collapsed in exhaustion; the French withdrew from North America in humiliation, the Hapsburgs crushed the remnant Mexican and Incan civilizations for tribute, while our allies the English began to bleed us dry to pay their debts.

All of this culminated in our first direct intervention in North American politics: the American Revolution. Unfortunately this would not be the last. The civil war was fermented by European organizations – specifically the English in order to curb our power. In retaliation we supported the resurgent Hanseatic League in Germany, and caused the Spanish - American war which extended our direct influence to the Isthmus of Panama. Theses actions probably lead to “World War One’ as the Hapsburgs attempted to regain their lost European Influence.

We all know what happened in World War one. What most people don’t know is that this war shattered the Hanseatic League, leaving a power vacuum in the Germanic lands – which was eventually filled by the current monstrosity.

Today we have little direct influence over the US government, as there has been no need until now. And sadly, the vox populi is, as usual, ignoring the hideous cancer growing in Europe.

So what is the current goal of the Masonic Order? To prepare North America for the coming war, wither they wish it or not. And if necessary, we will deal with the idiot who shames the name Roosevelt directly.