
Boundaries: The capital of The Coquille Nation is build on the ruins of Myrtle point, once a boring farming community on the central Oregon inland coast, now a sheltered port on the Gulf of Abandon. The port serves the upriver farming community of Powers as well as nearby farming and livestock concerns. Myrtle Point also has extensive maritime interests in terms of both trade and fishing up and down the Pacific Coast. The dominion of Coquille extends the gulf of Abandon, abutting but not extending to the tributaries of the Coos River, upriver to the headwaters of the Coquille river well past Powes in the Siskyiou's, and then south along the coast through various settlements also connected by the old pre-fall roads. To the east the nation extends to the Camas valley along the old Roseburg route. Beyond that lies wildlands and the Roseburgites.

Important communities: Myrtle Point, Powers, Camas, New Bandon

Government: Oligarchic Council of 'Founding Families' and Notables.

Legal Code: Reasonable property rights. inheritance and order of succession are clearly described.

Climate: Hot-summer Mediterranean climate (Csa), with mild rainy winters.

Population: Around 30,000

Economics: Maritime trade and agriculture predominate. Minor craft style industry. No real industrialization of note. Heavy crafts are generally imported.

Agriculture: Freeholds and yeomanry comprise the majority of agriculture, supplemented by season labor from the town or the wilds (Siskyiou mountain clans, and unincorporated coastal tribes). The crops are a robust mixture of wheat, maize, legumes supplemented by fruit trees, and the plethora of native fruiting shrubs. Agriculture here requires minimal effort yielding large harvests even in the worst of years. 

Livestock is also abundant, some cattle but mostly in sheep and alpaca driving a robust craft textile industry.

Trade: Myrtlepoint is rapidly evolving into a competing waypoint with Coos between Cascadia and California. Further, it has significantly greater indigenous production and good roads to Medford and Roseburg. Goods landed in Myrtle Point frequently end up in The Great Market of Eugene by the end of the week.

Religion: Post Rapture Order of the Redeemer 98%

Standard of Living:

Gender Equity: Fair to good. Women are considered head of household, when men are head of business. Legal contracts recognize the right of women to inheret, although marriage generally causes the husband to assume the title. Conversely, women are strongly discouraged by social norm from engaging in 'manly' pursuits (the military, hard labor) but it is not unheard of.

Armed Forces: Militia, supported by a National Cavalry known as a the Rangers, with a small corps or warjacks in Myrtle Point. The Navy is small, mostly comprising of a coastal tariff enforcement squadron. FIxed fortifications on the mountains around Coquille Bay are considered more than adequate fro coastal defense.

Dominant Arcane Tradition: Miracles. Sorcery is actively suppressed.

History: It can be said that The Rapture was simply the exclamation point at the end of a long slide. For decades south western Oregon had been a place history and modernity forgot, outside of little pockets like Bandon. The kids left for greener pastures in the cities. The farms were unnecessary because of agribusiness in the valley. The dairy farms and other crops had to go 'organic' or rely on farmers markets inland to survive.

And survive they did. Barely.

Soon the seas began to rise, erasing the coast as people knew it. Farmland became tidewater floodplain. This wasn't Amterdam, or Portland really. No one was willing to rebuild the levies or bridges the Nth time they washed out. So people moved inland.

On the good side, the great war that was The Rapture also bypassed this part of the world. No bombs fell, no chemical or biological agents. Just one day the power died for the most part and stayed out. New card wouldn't start except for the old clunkers from the 50's that still existed. Refugees mostly didn't come this way (they were to busy dying by the hundred trying to besiege the walls of Medford).

The forgotten place stayed forgotten.

But not any more.

Today, Myrtle Point is actually on a point of land, with a thriving port thanks to the water channel out to the Pacific. Sea Traders ranging from Cascadia to Baja stop here for fuel, fish, fun, and cargo. It can be surprising how profitable a load of Cheese or live cattle or a load of alpaca wool can be down in Baja.

So the place known as Coquille, named after the drowned town, thrives relatively free of trouble because of it being relatively out of the way, even to this day.