Major Exosystems


Nippon is a beautiful planet on the near edge of the 'habitable zone' orbiting an Orange star. It is in a system of 6 planets. Nippon maintains an independent merchant marine as well as a CPH military presence. Like their progenitors the Nipponese have erected excellent Universities and Industries. It is projected that Nipponese industrial output will equal that of Mars by the end of the next century.


The Hindi colony is probably the furthest from Sol system other than the Chilrandi and Xitchui systems. As a result they are most concerned about these new alien incursions, especially the incident at nearby Beta Hydri. As a result Hindi is rapidly becoming a center for military production and research, as they arm themselves against the perceived threat. Their entire culture is rapidly becoming militaristic, as some of the finest CPH Naval officers are now Hindi.


The main continent on Procyron 3 holds the twin settlements of New Wellington and New Melbourne. Unlike the other planets in the CPH Procyron has essentially one main landmass, and then a few lesser landmasses. The settlements on Procyron are on the main landmass, with native flora and fauna preserves set up on the lesser landmasses, especially since the discovery of the quasi-intelligent ant species.

The other 2/3rds of the planet are water resort - with floating hotels, and atoll beaches. Procyron is rapidly turning into the resort of the galaxy.

New Europe

The Remnants of the European nations spearheaded by the European Space Agency and made their way to this planet. New Geneva is their capital. Unlike much of the rest of the CPH (with the notable exceptions of some who claim American descent) the Europans want to expedite a return to Earth. While they have done wonderful things to create an excellent industrial base and farming infrastructure on their new planet, they seem to be obsessed with the idea of a Great Return. In fact, the center of the Terra Movement is headquarter in the main square of New Geneva.

This desire to return is causing a great deal of friction with Martian authorities leading to who knows what.


Zion is (unsurprisingly) a small desert planet out in the middle of nowhere on the galactic Z axis. This seems to suit the descendants of Israel just fine. Unlike the rest of humanity, they have become isolationist, and would like nothing more to see the rabid Zealots of Earth rot on their own for all eternity (it has also been rumored that they wouldn't mind tossing a nuke or two down there just on principle..). They staunchly oppose the New Europe attempts to rush 'the return'.

No where is in the known galaxy can one find better manufacturers of water extraction equipment for both terrestrial and space use.