September 2022 Papoose Article

The Junior Sailing Program filled most of July and early August at the Club. Beginner and advanced students kept us busy. There are so many great pictures of the classes – here are a few of them sailing our fleet of Sunfish boats. We had four great instructors this summer: Head Instructor Joseph Fleming, assisted by Will Mowbray, Graham Iussig and Katie Mackey. Our students included new and returning ones. One of the newest and youngest, Abby Iussig, is pictured here on her Sunfish. She said that sailing is hard work sometimes, especially if you are sailing alone and doing the capsize drill. But she was nearly always the first one to get her boat ready to sail and get out on the water. We hope she follows her older brother and becomes an instructor one day!

In addition to the weekday Junior Sailors, about a dozen adults came down on various Saturdays to learn the ‘ropes’ or brush up their skills. That kept the club busy during the summer, since the weather for our usual racing on Sundays was not cooperative and we had only a handful of races. Our annual Gabor Cup Regatta was postponed to August to get in a full slate of racers.

Thanks to Sunfish Fleet Captain, Shirley Miller, we held some Sunfish Sailing weekday evening events this summer that drew both new and long-time members. The boats were all teed up from the Junior classes, so it was a snap to get out on the water quickly and enjoy the evening breezes. We sailed, then chipped in for pizza and watched the sunset – what a way to end the day!

Plans were being finalized for the annual Commodore’s Cup Regatta scheduled for Labor Day weekend. This traditional racing event is always followed by a Cocktail Party hosted by the Commodore. Both the racing and the party afterwards are open to all members of the LMCC sailing their own boats or crewing. If you get this news in time, plan to join us. Check-in starts at noon on Sunday Sept. 4th for two races starting at 1 p.m. More details will be on our website:

Our racing schedule continues through mid-October, with races scheduled every Sunday starting at 1 p.m. If you’re interested in sailing with us, write to

Until next month, Smooth Sailing and God bless America!

Submitted by Gail Miner