October 2002 Papoose Article

Post date: Aug 3, 2008 4:10:32 AM

How about the September Papoose article! Wasn’t it great? Well, in case you think that I am kidding and that I simply forgot to write the article, you can check out our web site at www.LakemohawkSailing.org and you will see it along with a terrific photo of our Sailing School grads. The article would have appeared in the September Papoose but cyberspace decided to play one of its nasty tricks and the article arrived late on the publisher’s e-mail. Nonetheless, the ‘on line’ version is available thanks to the efforts of our webmaster, Bill Batchelor--and my paycheck has been docked.

Now, on with the news. Our Fall season continues with regular racing punctuated by some other events including a Saturday of cruising, a regatta and a cocktail party. On Saturday, August 24, the cruising fleet held a day of sailing along with a picnic lunch. Although the weather was less than perfect, the event took place and a good time was had by all who participated.

Sunday, September 1 was the date for our annual Commodore’s Cup Regatta. The race well attended despite the "soft Irish rain" that brought with it a nice breeze out of the north. The event was handicapped so all classes started at the same time. We had two Lightnings, three Snipes, one Laser, one Zuma (and a partridge in a pear tree) off the line. The results are as follows:

First Place: Jeff Urbanski, Snipe

Second Place: John Marx and crew

Third Place: Rich Miner and crew Gail Miner and Edgar Braendle

During the evening following the regatta we had a super social event, the Commodore’s Cocktail Party. This year the party was held in the Mohawk Room of the Lake Mohawk Country Club at which time we bid a formal adieu to Commodore Ditti Holbein. Plenty of good food, including some authentic Polish cuisine, was brought by our club members and beverages were provided by the LMCC. The party was every bit as successful as was the race that preceded.

As our sailing season for 2002 draws to a close you will want to remember the following dates:

    • Annual Meeting, Sunday, Oct. 27th at 7:00 p.m. in the East Lounge of the LMCC
    • Annual Awards Brunch, Nov. 17th at 1200 Noon in the Papoose Room of the LMCC

Race official assignments for October, 2002 are as follows:

Oct 06, 2002 Lincoln Rowley

Oct 13, 2002 Hank Jelinek

If you have not yet joined and are thinking about membership in our club this is a great time to plan for next Spring. For up to date information please visit our web site at: www.LakemohawkSailing.org. You can E-mail us at: info@LakemohawkSailing.org.

Until next month, smooth sailing and God Bless America!

Don Okner

Marx vs. Urbanski