September 2002 Papoose Article

Post date: Aug 1, 2008 9:39:22 PM

Our Spring Series has concluded and we are now into the Fall Series. Final standings for boats that qualified in the Lightning Class Spring Series are as follows:

First Place: Rich Miner

Second Place: Perry Anderson

Third Place: Hank Jelinek

Fourth Place: Mark Marrusich

Fifth place: Don Okner

Our club continues to grow with eight new family member and two junior members having joined us. We extend a warm welcome to Mike Kelly; Drs. Edgar & Elke Braendle; Nick & Elizabeth Hamon and their children Michael, Katherine & Laura; Karen & Bill Kuncken; Diane & Steve Littleton and their daughters Joni & Kelly; John & Debra Murphy and their children Kathleen & John; Frank & Debra Poloniak and their children Lauren and Matthew; Vadim & Olga Sakiewicz and their children Sofia & Seraphim and Junior Members Liam Donovan and Alec Hayes, both graduates of the Junior sailing Program.

And speaking of the Junior Sailing Program, as you can see from the photo accompanying this article, it was a huge success with 22 graduates. We also had an adult program that continued into August with Gary Oeters doing the same, fine job that he did with the juniors.

We bid farewell to Commodore Ditti Holbein who has accepted a transfer with her company to Germany. Ditti has contributed much to our club’s success over the years and we will surely miss her. We wish her all the best in her new endeavors.

Please remember to save the following dates:

- Annual Meeting, Sunday, Oct. 27th at 7:00 p.m. in the East Lounge of the LMCC

- Annual Awards Brunch, Nov. 17th at 1200 Noon in the Papoose Room of the LMCC

Our next Board Meeting is scheduled for September 15th at 7:30 P.M and race official assignments for September, 2002 are as follows:

September 01: John Miller/Robin Fourness (Commodore’s Cup)

September 08: Bill Batchelor

September 15: John Marx

September 22: Mark Marussich

September 29: Jeff Urbanski

If you have not yet joined and are thinking about membership in our club, it’s still not too late. For up to date information please visit our web site at: You can E-mail us at:

Until next month, smooth sailing and God Bless America!

Don Okner

Sailing School Grads