August 2002 Papoose Article

Post date: Aug 1, 2008 9:34:53 PM

June and July have been very active months for the LMYC. Our Spring Series has been going well with the Lightning Fleet being most active and with some Snipes and the occasional Laser participating in Regattas. Our second Regatta, the Marine Base Regatta sponsored by the Snipe Fleet, was held on July 7, 2002.. Lincoln and Karen Rowley served as race officials and managed to set two windward-leeward courses despite the dreaded west wind. Our thanks to them for the great job. The winners of the event, which was scored using the Portsmouth handicap, are as follows:

First Place:

Snipe: Jeff Urbanski, Skipper; Gregory Urbanski, Crew

Second Place:

Snipe: John Marx, Skipper

Third Place:

Lightning: Rich Miner, Skipper; Gail Miner and Robin Fourness, Crew

Following the Regatta, we socialized by finishing off the hamburgers and hot dogs that were left in the freezer after the Independence Day Family Picnic. The picnic was held on July 4th at the club and was a well attended event. Thanks to Madeleine Okner and Gail Miner the food was plentiful and tasty. Perry Anderson and yours truly served as grill chefs. We were ably assisted by Perry’s brother in law, Reggie Brown, who was visiting from St. Louis. Earlier in the day, Rich Miner, Perry and Hank Jelinek moved boats and set up tables. Ben, the ice cream man paid a welcome visit and we topped the evening off by viewing the fireworks display. The team effort paid off once again.

The basic Sailing School program for juniors started on June 24th and ended on August 1st. Classes were held three days a week, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Gary Oeters once again did a spectacular job. He was aided by his sister Lorraine and by Walter Holbein. Gary also ran an adult program with five participants. It’s great to see the new sailors honing their skills. We welcome all of them to join us on the race course or just for a cruise.

Please remember that our next, and last Regatta for the year will be the Commodore’s Cup Regatta on September 1st. John Miller and Robin Fourness will be our race officials for this handicapped event that will be open to all Lake Mohawk Country Club members with any type of sailboat. If you have never raced, come on down and give it a try.

Our next Board Meeting is scheduled for August 18th at 7:30 P.M and race official assignments for August, 2002 are as follows:

August 04: Bill Warren and Jack Robertson

August 11: Bob Graham

August 18: Don Okner

August 25: Rich Miner

If you have not yet joined and are thinking about membership in our club, it’s not too late. For up to date information please visit our web site at: You can E-mail us at:

Until next month, smooth sailing and God Bless America!

Don Okner

Regatta Winners!