July 2002 Papoose Article

Post date: Aug 1, 2008 1:47:15 PM

As previously reported, the Gabor Cup, our first handicapped regatta for the season, took place on May 26th . Now the results are in. We had a good assortment of boats including Lightnings, Snipes, a Force Five and wooden English boat called a Merlin. We sailed two races and we thank Bill Warren and Jack Robertson for manning the committee boat. The results are as follows:

First Place: Jeff Urbanski, Snipe

Second Place: Rich Miner, Lightning

Third Place: Mark Marussich, Lightning

Our next regatta will be the Marine Base Regatta scheduled for July 7th. This is a handicapped event open to all LMCC members with a sailboat of any kind. You need not be a member of the Yacht Club to participate. If you have never raced your sailboat and want to give it a try, come down and join us. Registration will be at 12:00 PM followed by a Skippers Meeting and the first gun at 1:00 PM.

We are also planning our Annual Family Picnic which will coincide with the LMCC’s Independence Day celebration. This is always a well attended event to which we welcome our colleagues from the Lake Mohawk Power Boat Club.

After many years of sailing #11448, yours truly has given Tomato Sloop a rest and is now sailing Sushi, which is Lightning #14198 previously owned by Bill Warren. Although Bill is spending more of his time on a fishing boat we hope that he and Connie will continue to participate in our social events and that Bill will come down to the club and sail with us from time to time.

On the social side, Bill Batchelor and Kayoko Yokomizo were married in May here in the United States and in June they headed off for Japan for a second celebration of the nuptials. We all wish them well and look forward to seeing the couple racing their Snipe.

Race Official assignments are posted on the bulletin board outside of the buoy room and on our website. Please be present on your assigned date or arrange to swap with another member if you are not available on your assigned date. The assignments for the month of July (and first week of August) are as follows:

July 07 Lincoln Rowley (Marine Base regatta)

July 14 Hank Jelinek

July 21 Mark Marussich

July 28 Perry Anderson

Aug. 04 Bill Warren/Jack Robertson

Finally, remember to visit our website at: www.lakemohawksailing.org for up to date news. Also, you can e-mail us at: info@lakemohawksailing.org.

Until next month, smooth sailing!

Don Okner

Sushi Heading Out