Sept 2016 Papoose Article

Post date: Aug 21, 2016 4:25:09 PM

Our annual Independence Day Party took place on July 4 but, as we neared the time for the LMYC fireworks display, the rains came. There was a shortened, late display but the LMCC pressed the reset button and treated us to a terrific fireworks show on the following Friday evening. Needless to say, this provided an opportunity for some of our members to party, once again.

The Marine Base Regatta was held on July 10. Perry Anderson, in a Lightning, won the event followed by Rich Miner and Joe Fleming, also in Lightnings. Mike Kelly took fourth place in a Snipe. On the following Sunday, July 17, three Lightnings and two Snipes raced. Rich Miner came in first in the Lightnings with Perry Anderson second and Brett Cherry third. In the Snipe fleet, Howard Gooblar came in first and Constance Gill was second. The overall, corrected results were Miner, Anderson, Gooblar, Cherry and Gill, in that order.

We have made a change in our Sunday starting time, and have moved it to 2pm, as we find that the wind seems to pick up later in the afternoon. On July 24, we had two races starting at the new time. Joe Fleming took a first and a second in the Lightnings with Perry Anderson taking a second and a first. Brett Cherry came in third in the first race and did not sail the second race. The Snipes sailed one race with John Marx first and Howard Gooblar second. The overall, corrected results in order were Fleming, Anderson, Marx, Cherry and Gooblar.

The Lake Mohawk Yacht Club Junior Sailing Classes ended with 22 boys and girls having completed the program. The accompanying photograph is of some of our graduates along with instructors Haley Chute, Hannah Chute and Matt Gomez. Remember, we also offer adult sailing lessons. For information, contact: Perry Anderson: (973) 903-7673;

Racing continues until October 16, so there is still time to join us for 2016. Remember, our next regatta will be the Commodore's Cup on Sept. 4. This event is open to all LMCC members with a sailboat of any kind. We still have some well used boats For Sale at reasonable prices: 1 motorboat, 1 Snipe sailboat and 2 Sunfish sailboats. Also for sale is a double-deck Sunfish trailer. Call John at (973) 729-0313 if you are interested in purchasing any of these items.

Whether you are an experienced sailor, a novice or if you are interested in social events, we offer it all! You can visit us on the web at For more information, email us at, or write us care of PO Box 29, Sparta, NJ. Until next month, smooth sailing and God bless America!

Don Okner