October 2008 Papoose Article

Post date: Oct 1, 2008 6:40:34 PM

August racing started with a races on the third day of the month that brought six Lightnings to the line with Perry Anderson winning the first race and Chuck Chute taking the honors in the second race. On August 10th we had to cancel racing due to rain and no wind but we were back on the 17th when a 6 to 8 knot wind out of the west-southwest was strong enough to cause Constance Gill to capsize in her Snipe. Rich Miner, our race official, assisted in righting Constance’s boat but John Marx took first place in the Snipe fleet with Perry Anderson and Chuck Chute respectively taking firsts in the two Lightning races.

On August 24th Rich Miner lead the way over three other Lightnings in both races and John Marx won in the Snipe fleet. The following weekend, on August 31st, we held our last open regatta for the year, the Commodore’s Cup. John Marx lead the way in his Snipe with John Incantalupo and crew taking second and Perry Anderson and his crew in third in this handicapped event.

During the evening, following the Regatta, Commodore Chuck Chute and Cathy Chute hosted a terrific party at their home. Food and drink were enjoyed and trophies were awarded. Most importantly, and in no small part due toe Chuck and Cathy’s hospitality, a great time was had by all.

September 7th brought us wind out of the northwest and the west-southwest—take your pick. Six Lightnings and three Snipes crossed the line with Chuck Chute and Rich Miner each taking first in the two Lightning class races and John Marx winning both races in the Snipe class. We still have a few more weeks of racing left so it’s far from over for 2008. Stay tuned for the results.

And don’t forget the remaining events for the year:

October 18th: Finish Line Party and Annual Meeting

November 23rd: Awards Brunch

Race Official assignments are posted on the Buoy Room bulletin board. Please be sure to check the list and contact Race Committee Chairman Hank Jelinek if you need to change your dates. Race Official assignments for October are as follows:

Oct. 5, 2008 Chute/Hopkins

Oct. 12, 2008 Gill/Hopkins

Finally, please be sure to visit our newly updated web site at www.lakemohawksailing.org. It’s a great way to keep posted on all that we are doing. For information, you can also e-mail us at sail@lakemohawksailing.org or you can write to PO Box 29, Sparta, NJ 07871.

Until next month, smooth sailing and God bless America!

Don Okner

Constance Gill at the Helm