November 2019 Papoose Article
Post date: Oct 17, 2019 2:09:42 PM
The Commodore’s Cup Regatta was sailed on September 8, with three Lightnings and three Snipes participating, with the race scored by the Portsmouth Handicap system. Mark Marussich served as Race Official. The winds were light with a big starboard lift at the start. Joe Fleming came around the Committee boat timed well for the start, but Rich Miner took advantage of the big starboard lift, quickly moved into first and headed for the only half decent breeze.
The boats worked their way around the course occasionally with some decent wind, but mainly in light to no wind. During the lunch break the wind died, and the second race was called off. The handicapped results were Rich Miner with crew Gail Miner and Bob McNamara in their Lightning in first place, Chris Mackey and his father Tim in Snipes in second and third, respectively, and Joe Fleming with his son Joe in their Lightning placing fourth.
Races were called off on September 15, due to lack of wind, but the following week with Hank Jelinek as Race Committee two races were sailed in very good Southwest winds. The Miner team won both races with Joe Fleming, crew son Joe and our new Lightning sailor John Hasselmann getting two seconds.
Susan Hauck and her son Karl were the Race Committee on September 29. Two races were sailed in a NNE wind that was light and variable with Rich Miner and Joe Fleming going head-to-head.. Rich Miner with his wife Gail and Bob McNamara won both races with Joe Fleming, his wife Julie and Liam Hasselmann coming in second.
Remember, the LMYC is open to any LMCC members who are interested in sailing. Plan to join us! For more information, you can visit us on the web at . Also, you can email us at , or write to us care of PO Box 29, Sparta, NJ.
With thanks to Rich Miner for his contributions to this article, until next month, smooth sailing and God bless America!
Don Okner