November 2010 Papoose Article

Post date: Nov 14, 2010 4:38:13 PM

Save the date (and note the date change) for our Annual Awards Brunch! It will be on Dec. 5, 2010 at the Lafayette House. The cost is only $25 for adults and $15 for children under 8. Be sure to make a reservation with Cathy Chute by Dec. 1, 2010.

Racing is drawing to a close for 2010 with some nice Fall weather sailing. Although we had to cancel on Sept. 12 due to inclement weather, Sept. 19 brought three Lighinings and three Snipes out with Don Okner assisted by John Miller as race officials. Rich Miner took two firsts in the Lightning class with Chuck Chute taking a second in race one and John Incantalupo taking third in the first race and second in race two. The Snipes sailed one race with John Marx coming in first followed by Jeff Urbanski and Constance Gill in second and third place respectively.

Sept. 26 was a day with light to moderate wind. Jeff Urbanski and son Keith were the officials and four Lightnings raced. The finishing order for both races was Rich Miner first, Chuck Chute second, John Incantalupo third and Don Okner fourth. Constance Gill sailed the course although no other Snipes competed.

On Oct. 3, strong winds forced a cancelation but on Oct. 10, with John Miller assisted by Ian Oldridge on the committee boat, Chuck Chute and Don Okner matched raced their Lightnings and John Marx, Constance Gill and Sean Incantalupo raced Snipes in one race. Chuck and Don traded positions several times in the 10 knot wind out of the south, southwest, and it looked as though Chuck was destined to win after he launched his spinnaker. However, he capsized on a jibe allowing Don to cross the line first. John Marx came in first in the Snipes follwed by Constance Gill in second place and Sean Incantalupo takikng third. Kudos to John and Sean for single handing it in some strong wind and to Constance and crew Angela Hopkins for some great racing.

On Oct. 2 we held a garage/yard sale that helped raise some much needed revenue for our club. Many thanks to all who donated items and to Jan and Ian Oldridge, Chuck Chute, Hank Jelinek and Joan Davenport for running the event. Finally, our Annual Meeting was held on Oct. 16 and the following slate of officers were elected for 2011:

Commodore: Rich Miner

Vice Commodore: John Incantalupo

Rear Commodore: Hank Jelinek

Secretary: Jan Oldridge

Treasurer: Perry Anderson

Lightning Fleet Captain: Dave Newton

Snipe Fleet Captain: Constance Gill

Laser Fleet Captain: John Miller

If you want to join the LMYC, if you want to learn to sail or if you want more information, just call us at (973)512-8867, email us at or write to PO Box 29, Sparta, NJ 07871.

Until next month, smooth sailing and God bless America!

Don Okner

Gill and Incantalupo boats