November 2020 Papoose Article

Sailing is a great sport and and has sparked the interest of a number of new LMYC members. We are pleased to welcome Mark Best & Megan Michitoch, Olivia Canova, Tom & Nancy Roche, Joe & Dorothy Riggio and their children Xavier & Mary, Peter & Kathy Roos, Sarah & Simon Roscoe and their children Sam & Sally to our club and hope that they are able to enjoy all that we have to offer.

On Sept. 13, the Lightning Fleet held a match race between Commodore Joe Fleming and Lighting Fleet Captain Rich Miner. Mary Beth and Tim Mackey were race officials. The Southwest wind had pretty strong gusts and many shifts. On the way to the starting area the Miner Lightning popped up on a plane even before putting up the jib. After the skipper gave the order for life jackets a large wave crashed on the boat so, wind breakers were donned over the life jackets.

In the first race, the Miner boat was on the starting line at the horn but the Fleming boat was further back. Rich played the gusts and shifts and was able to maintain the lead throughout the race. In the second race both Lightnings were on the line at the start, resulting in a much closer race. On the first reach each boat caught puffs and kept the race exciting. On the second reach, Rich went high toward some white caps and by bearing off together with hard hiking, he and his team were able to get their Lightning up on a plane and open up a big lead to insure the win.

The annual Commodore Cup Regatta was scheduled for Sept. 27. The wind was light and variable. After a postponement the wind filled in and two Lightnings, two Sunfish and a Vanguard 15 headed for the starting area. Karl Hauck was the race official. During the starting sequence there was little to no wind. Just before the starting horn the wind shifted to the East so boats could not lay the starting line on starboard tack. Mark Marussich, sailing a Vanguard 15 with his daughter Catherine, made a perfect start on port tack at the pin end of the line and took an early lead. Boats at the committee boat end had to sail away from the line and then tack to port to start. Joe Fleming in his Lightning got a good start, followed by Rich Cramer and John Trela in Sunfish. Rich Miner was caught between two other boats, struggled to cross the line and started dead last.

The fleet continued on the lifted port tack, but were angled toward Manitou Island where the wind was light. Rich Miner headed on starboard tack toward an area of wind he had spotted (his boat is named Hawkeye, as in spotting the wind). When Rich got to the wind, he tacked to port and sailed a lift right up to the weather mark. Meanwhile, Mark maintained the lead and crossed in front of Rich on starboard tack. The rest of the fleet was still near Manitou Island in light wind, starting to work their way back to the center of the lake.

Rich continued on port tack and rounded the weather mark first, followed by Mark, Joe and the two Sunfish. As the fleet headed to the leeward mark, Karl Hauck shortened the course. The finishes were Rich first, Mark second, Joe third, followed by the two Sunfish. In the second race, Rich Miner made a port start at the pin with John Trela in a Sunfish slightly down the line, also on port. The fleet worked hard in light and variable wind. Rich struggled with the shifts and held a lead all the way, followed by Joe, Mark, John and Rich Cramer.

The Regatta was scored based on the Portsmouth Handicap, which adjusts for the different characteristics of each class of boat and the wind speed of the race. Based on the handicap scoring Mark Marussich and crew Catherine came in third, Joe Fleming and crew were second, and Rich Miner and crew were first. Before the awards were presented, there was an outdoor, socially distanced party at which a good time was had by all.

Thanks go to Gail & Rich Miner for their contributions to this article, for their many years of enthusiastic racing and for all that they do for the LMYC! Also remember, the LMYC is open to any LMCC members who are interested in sailing. Therefore, plan to join us. For more information, you can visit us on the web at . Also, you can email us at, or write us in care of PO Box 29, Sparta, NJ.

Until next month, smooth sailing and God bless America!

Don Okner