March 2014 Papoose Article

Post date: Mar 16, 2014 7:48:27 PM

Our Awards Party at the Miners' took place just after the deadline for our February article so some of the following news from that event did not make last month's Papoose. During the pot-luck buffet, Alex Fernandez Fox provided the entertainment, playing his newest guitar and singing. Alex is professional guitarist, songwriter and singer who regularly performs at The CuBan in downtown Hoboken, NJ. A great time was had by all who attended the party!

Special awards that were presented at the Awards Party included: John Meyers Service Award: John Miller; Ed Syracuse Sportsmanship Award: Constance Gill; Crew of the Year: Gail Miner; Most Improved Skipper: Constance Gill. Turtles went to Hank Jelinek and Constance Gill. Commodore Chuck Chute, Jan Oldridge, Margaret Anderson, Madeleine Okner, Kathleen Potts and Shirley Miller were acknowledged for all that they do for our club. We also bid farewell to Dave and Bambi Newton, who have moved out of town. Dave, Bambi and their boys will be missed for many reasons including their siprit, friendship and dedication to our club.

We are already receiving great interest for our 2014 Junior Sailing Program classes—so much so that we have added a Level 1 (pm) class. The program is open to Lake Mohawk Country Club members age 10 and above and runs from June 30th to August 1st. Details, including tuition, are as follows:

    • Sailing Level 1: Mon., Tues., and Thurs.,
    • A.M. Class: 9:30 am to 12:15 pm or
    • P. M. Class: 1:15 pm to 4:00 pm
    • Tuition: $375
    • Sailing Level 2: Intro to Snipe Sailing - Wed., and Fri.,
    • 9:30 am to 12:15 pm
    • Tuition: $250
    • Sailing Level 3: Snipe Sailing - Wed., and Fri.,
    • 1:15 pm to 4:00 pm
    • Tuition: $250
    • Even with the additional Level 1 (pm) class, there is limited space, so call or email early to register: Jan Oldridge: (973)729-3105 or email You can even download an application from our website Just click Junior Sailing Program on the left side menu.
    • We even offer adult and individual sailing lessons for those who are interested. And, if you are looking for great gifts for a sailor or for yourself, you can order shirts and gear with our logo through the club. Also, to help raise funds for the Junior Sailing Program, Haley Chute has some really nice bags made from sails. They are available at Cathy Chute's Lake Mohawk Flower Shop in the plaza.
      • You can visit us on the web at For more information about membership in the LMYC or, if you want to learn to sail, just call our Vice Commodore, Perry Anderson at (973)729-3904, email us at or write to us care of PO Box 29, Sparta, NJ 07871.
      • Until next month, smooth sailing

and God bless America,

Don Okner