March 2015 Papoose Article

Post date: Feb 11, 2015 12:58:00 PM

Winter Blahs? Think Summer and sailing in beautiful locations with blue skies and verdant mountains in the panorama. Yes, Lake Mohawk can be this picture, but LMYC member Hank Jelinek has traveled to Maine the past four summers to attend the five day, Small Reach Regatta sponsored by the Wooden Boat School of Brooklyn Maine.

The Small Reach Regatta is a gathering of forty five to fifty traditional, small boats that are usually hand crafted from either the owners' plans or produced from commercially purchased kits. When finished, some of these small vessels look as if they should be stored indoors and admired for their workmanship. People come as far as North Carolina to sail with their fellow wooden boat builders but, most come from surrounding New England states. Boats can be either sailing or rowing vessels in the 13 to 20 foot range.

The regatta is planned around sailing to various islands which abound the Gulf of Maine. Last year, the event was held at the Audubon Camp on Hog Island near Damariscotta, Me. and the group sailed to various destinations on Muscongus Bay. The sailing is primarily a six or seven hour affair to a small island where the participants gather for lunch, discuss the sailing and possibly fix things that may have broken. Sailors must have experience as strong currents and the lobster boats are abundant. The event is usually catered so after a day of tacking and jibing the sailors retire to a good meal and a libation of their choice.

This year's event will be held at the Wooden Boat School in Brooklyn, Maine and Hank is looking forward to this summer's fun. The boat Hank crews on is a twin masted ketch with leeboards that must be lowered and raised depending on the tack that the boat is headed. Pictured is one of the traditional sailing craft.

Hank and all of our skippers can agree that sailing is lifelong skill. And, what better way to learn is in the LMYC's Junior Sailing Program. Enrollment for 2015 is now open to children of Lake Mohawk members age ten and above. The classes will run from July 6th through August 7th. Details including tuition are as follows:

Sailing Level 1:

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

· AM Class: 9:30 am to 12:15 pm or

· PM Class: 1:15 pm to 4:00 pm –Tuition $375.00

Sailing Level 2:

Introduction to Snipe Sailing –

Wednesday & Friday

9:30 am to 12:15 pm – Tuition $250.00

Sailing Level 3 and 3+

Sailing in Snipes

Wednesday & Friday

1:15 pm to 4:00 pm – Tuition $250.00

For more information or to register, call or email Jan Oldridge; her telephone is (973) 729-3105 or email We will also be offering adult sailing lessons. Adult sailing lessons are generally scheduled on Saturdays and can be group or private lessons.

You can visit us on the web at For more information on learning to sail, call our Treasurer, Perry Anderson at (973) 903-7673, email us at, or write us care of PO Box 29, Sparta, NJ.

Until next month, smooth sailing

and God bless America,

Don Okner