March 2009 Papoose Article

Post date: Mar 2, 2009 9:03:36 PM

Commodore Perry Anderson and Margaret Anderson kicked things off for 2009 a week before the Super Bowl with a party at their home following an organizational Board meeting. At the meeting we discussed maintenance and other issues that we will need to address this year and then enjoyed food, drink and the company of one another. We thank Margaret and Perry for their hospitality.

For 2009 we anticipate continuing with upkeep of our facilities, which underwent major repair last year with the construction of a new bulkhead that is proving to serve us well. We also plan to develop methods for growing our membership. Our goal is to secure the future of our club by introducing as many LMCC members as we can to the thrilling sport of sailing.

Chuck Chute and Jan Oldridge have cheerfully agreed to head a committee aimed at achieving our objective of growth. You may expect to hear from them with requests for your input. But don’t wait for them if you already have some thoughts as to what would make our club more enjoyable for you or for prospective members. Just give any board member a call and tell us your idea.

Other things on the drawing board include a reunion event for our Junior Sailing School graduates from past years. We will also be running our popular Junior Sailing School and we will be offering Adult Sailing Lessons as well. Contact us soon to reserve a space in the Junior Sailing School because enrollment is limited and the classes fill up quickly.

Board members please take note that our next Board meeting will at Commodore Perry Anderson’s home on March 1, 2009 at 7:00 pm. [Ed. Next meeting 3/29 at 4:30 PM]

Until next month, smooth sailing and God bless America!

Don Okner

Port Tack