July 2017 Papoose Article

Post date: Jun 19, 2017 7:14:12 PM

Our first races for 2017 took place on May 28 with three Lightnings and one Snipe on the course. Howard Gooblar, our race official for the day, set a triangle course in variable winds with gusts that provided some good lifts on the windward beats for two, back-to-back races. In the Lightnings, Rich and Gail Miner scored two firsts followed by Don Okner and crew Ed Snook (welcome back Ed!) in second place. Brent Cherry and crew Matt Ziegler and Sienna Cherry took third place. Sienna, who is only seven years old, reported that she had a great time on the boat. Snipe sailor Constance Gill and crew Nancy Nixon did not finish.

The Gabor Cup, our first open regatta of the year, sponsored by the Lightning Fleet, was scheduled to take place on June 4, followed by the Makani Fest Hawaiian Party. However, lack of wind coupled with rain forced postponement of those events to the following week. Nonetheless, Mark and Catherine Marussich managed to do some water-skiing before the rain came.

Remember, on July 9 we will hold our second regatta of the year, the Marine Base Regatta sponsored by the Snipe Fleet. Our regattas are open to all LMCC members, with a sailboat of any kind. The races are timed and handicapped so that slower class boats can often win over the classes that are generally faster. If you have never sailed in a race, this is a great opportunity to give it a try—you may just want to join as a member once you do.

The Yacht Club will hold its annual Independence Day family picnic and fireworks watching party on Sunday, July 2nd (rain date Monday July 3rd). The food and fun begin at 6 p.m. and last through the always amazing LMCC fireworks display viewed from our private docks. Members and their guests are invited – please see the LMYC website for pricing and how to RSVP, or call Margaret Anderson at 973-729-3904.

We welcome new and returning members to our club. Nancy Nixon brings her Newport sailing experience to our club and has already gotten into action crewing for Constance Gill. Brian & Rebecca Romanowsky come aboard with their special sailboat, a Melonseed skiff. Karl & Susan Hauck and their family, Erich, Karl Joseph and Catherine, have joined and Catherine will participate in the Jr. Sailing Program this summer. Steve & Michele Sander bring their two children, Grace and Stephen, who we hope will participate in sailing. Ed and Julie Snook have returned from several years in Maine and Ed is crewing for Don Okner. A hearty welcome to all of them!

The following are the Race Official assignments for July and August:

Jul 02 B. Cherry

Jul 09 J. Marx Marine Base Regatta (Snipe Fleet)

Jul 16 T. Mackey / C. Mackey

Jul 23 D. Okner

Jul 30 J. Fleming

Aug 06 R. Miner / G. Miner

Aug 13 B. Cherry

Aug 20 P. Anderson / M. Anderson

Aug 27 J. Marx

We have two, well used Sunfish and one Snipe for sale, as well as a double deck Sunfish trailer. Rumor also has it that John Marx is selling his Lippincott Lightning. If you are interested in any of these boats or the trailer, call John at (973)729-0313.

Whether you are an experienced sailor, a novice or if you are interested in social events, we offer it all! There is still a lot of sailing to do this year. Come join us and get in on the fun! You can visit us on the web at www.lakemohawksailing.org. For more information, email us at lakemohawksailing@gmail.com, or write us care of PO Box 29, Sparta, NJ. Until next month, smooth sailing and God bless America!

Don Okner