January 2013 Papoose Article
Post date: Dec 12, 2012 5:51:58 PM
Happy New Year to all of our members and crew. 2012 ended with a great social event, our Annual Awards Party, hosted by Rich and Gail Miner. We truly thank them for being so generous and allowing us to enjoy their home for so many events throughout the year. Gail also always comes through with her creativity. She organized a contest to see who could best match the names of yacht clubs in the United States with their locations (eg. Lake Mohawk Yacht club at Lake Mohawk, Sparta, New Jersey). Mark Marussich won with 18 out of 20 points followed by the team of Chuck Chute and Hank Jelinek with 17 points. Laird Johnson and the Mackey family were close runners-up. Factoid: there are places named “Mohawk Lake” in Ohio, Utah and Massachusetts but, according to Google Maps we are the only “Lake Mohawk” in the USA.
Awards went to Rich Miner who, with the help of his faithful crew Gail, retained his title as Lightning Fleet Champion and to John Marx who did the same in the Snipe Fleet. Rich's other crew Ken Potts was awarded Crew of the Year. He and Gail are a great team on Rich's boat. Most Improved Skipper went to yours truly. But that award really belongs to crew Ed Snook, Birgit Fox and Michael Mackey (who also crewed for Rich Miner) for getting the spinnaker out of the bag and flying.
Jan and Ian Oldridge are the 2012 recipients of the John Myers Service Award. The Oldridges certainly deserve this recognition. Their dedication to our club is greatly appreciated. And, last but not least, the Ed Syracuse Sportsmanship Award was presented to Perry Anderson. Perry, who with his ever faithful crew, wife Margaret, is great competitor on the water is also involved in just about every aspect of our club and always to lend a hand.
That about wraps it up for 2012. So now that 2013 is here, why not start things off by joining our club so you can sail and socialize with us. You can visit us on the web at www.lakemohawksailing.org. For more information about membership in the LMYC or, if you want to learn to sail, just call our Vice Commodore, Perry Anderson at (973)729-3904, email us at lakemohawksailing@gmail.com or write to us care of PO Box 29, Sparta, NJ 07871.
Until next month, smooth sailing and God Bless America!
Don Okner