December 2008 Papoose Article

Post date: Dec 2, 2008 1:11:59 AM

Our official activities for 2008 concluded on November 23rd with the annual Awards Brunch at the Lafayette House. Both serious and gag trophies were presented. Rich Miner, with his crew Gail Miner and Edgar Braendle, successfully defended his position as Lightning Fleet Champion despite some great competition, especially from Runner-Up Perry Anderson and crew Margaret Anderson and James Nam. In the Snipe Class, Jeff Urbanski captured the Fleet Championship followed by John Marx in the Runner-Up position.

More details of the Awards Brunch will be announced in next month’s Papoose. However, at this time, it is important to recognize a number of people whose efforts were particularly important to us this year. Chuck Chute, Perry Anderson and John Miller were key figures in our bulkhead and dock project and we thank them for doing a great job.

Kudos go to Sean Incantalupo, who ran a terrific Junior Sailing School, with thanks also going to his assistants Josh Odridge and Calvin Hopkins. John Incantalupo updated our web site and displayed his Lightning in the July 4th Parade. Constance Gill continued to sail well after regular racing ended and promoted a Frost-Bite Regatta in November.

On the social front, Cathy Chute, Bambi Newton and Jan Oldridge planned and ran many, fun-filled parties and Madeleine Okner made sure that our Buoy Room facilities were in good shape with a well stocked refrigerator. We also thank Shirley Miller, our Craft Fleet Skipper for her creativity and for running a tote bag stenciling event.

Our boats are now packed up for the year but, Spring is only one, short season away and we look forward to more good sport and camaraderie in 2009. We encourage anyone in the Lake Mohawk community to join our club!

For up to date news, visit our web site at For membership information, you can e-mail us at or write to PO Box 29, Sparta, NJ 07871.

Until next month, smooth sailing and God bless America!

Don Okner

Finish Line