December 2021 Papoose Article

The Lake Mohawk Yacht Club’s last race for 2021 took place on October 3rd, with three boats on the course. Rich Miner, with crew Gail Miner and Bob McNamara, and Don Okner with his crew, Susan Hauck and Karl Hauck match raced in their Lightnings. They were joined by John Trela in his Laser. The race officials, Hank Jelinek and Peter Roos, set a triangle course in what proved to be a light air afternoon. All boats sailed the first three legs but, when the air died and the race turned in to a drifter, Don Okner opted for a DNF. However, Rich Miner and crew as well as John Trela forged on, the race officials shortened the course and Rich was able to snag another first.

The LMYC had a very good year in every aspect of its different programs, sailing, racing, junior and adult sailing lessons, social programs, new members and cleanups. On July 15th Perry Anderson and Gail and Rich Miner attended the LMCC’s new members’ reception, met with prospective LMYC members and sailing lesson seekers, and signed up several. During the year six new family memberships and one new junior member joined the Club. While working within the COVID-19 restrictions the Junior Sailing Program was able to do quite well, and private lessons for both adults and juniors increased.

The Social Committee Chairs Susan Hauck and Marie Cramer not only ran our always popular 4th of July Parade and Fireworks Barbeque, but also ran three new events. The well attended and highly successful Yacht Rock Concert, with four bands which included Yacht Club members, Movie Night and Oktoberfest with guitar playing by Rich Cramer and Alex Fox.

Our spring and fall cleanups, as well as our work parties were very successful. The major project was repairing the north fork of the H dock. After AAA-Dock put in new pilings, a team of Rear Commodore Karl Hauck, John Trela and Perry Anderson put on the new decking. The fall cleanup was one of our most successful with a big turnout, moving the Sunfish for winter storage, raking leaves and general tidying up. Then Karl started cooking burgers and hot dogs, and the cleanup turned into a party. Everyone said the Club never looked better.

The sailing season was also quite successful. We were able to hold all three of our special regattas: The Gabor Cup, The Marine Base and The Commodore’s Cup Regattas, which have previously been written up in the Papoose. These regattas are open to all LMCC members with a sailboat and are scored using the Portsmouth Handicap. In all the Club held some 22 races this season, despite bad weather, particularly in the Fall (think Hurricane Henri in particular) as well as various sailors’ travel plans.

In the Lightning Spring Series, Rich with crew Gail Miner and Bob McNamara were first, Perry with crew Margaret Anderson and Shirley Miller were second and Don Okner, with crew Karl and Susan Hauck were third. In the Lightning Fall Series, Rich and Don tied for first, with the tie breaking rules tipping first to Rich. Peter Roos was third. For the overall Lightning Fleet Championship, which included 17 races, with nine races need to qualify, the Miner team came in first with a 1.0 average, and the Okner team came in second with a 2.25 average.

The Snipes were also active, particularly the Mackey family with Tim, Chris and Katie all taking turns skippering and crewing for one another. Chris finished second in the Commodore’s Cup Regatta with his dad Tim crewing for him. There was also participation by Mark Marussich and his daughter Catherine in his Vanguard 15, sailing in the open regattas and John Trela participated regularly racing a Sunfish, his Laser and crewing on Lightnings.

Constance Gill organized three sailing “Chalk Talks.” The LMYC’s resident sailing expert – John Miller – presented the talks, covering the basics of sail trim when sailing to windward, strategy and tactics when beating to the weather mark, and the responsibilities of race management. There was a lot of note-taking and questions from the audience. The Club plans on having more events on sailing techniques, and more social events over the winter.

Now, a personal note. I have been writing the LMYC Papoose articles for about 22 years. While I plan to continue sailing with the LMYC, I feel that it is time to have someone take over the job of writing the articles. Therefore, this will be my last official Papoose article.

Thanks go to Gail and Rich Miner who have substantially contributed to this month’s article as well as many previous articles, and for taking the lead over the past few months. My sincere gratitude also goes to Ian Oldridge for the excellent job that he does in maintaining our website and for his photography that has provided so many images for the Papoose articles.

I also want to thank the many, terrific crew that I have had over the years. Included are my faithful wife, Madeleine, my late, good friend and fellow St. John’s University Law School alumnus, Jim McMahon, fellow U.S. Navy veteran Josh Oldridge, Birgit Fox, Nova Scotian Blue Nose sailor Ed Snook, my sons Martin and James, grandchildren Sadie and Lukas and my present, faithful crew, Karl and Susan Hauck.

When I started writing the articles, I closed with “Until next month, smooth sailing.” In October, 2001, following the horrific attacks of September 11th, I added the words “and God bless America!” I will always stand by those words, knowing that we live in the greatest nation in the world and in one of the best places in that nation. I leave it to those who continue to write the Papoose articles to use the same closing, if they choose.

The LMYC is a great club and is open to any LMCC members who are interested in sailing. Therefore, I truly urge you to join us. For up-to date information, you can visit us on the web at Also, you can email us at, or write us in care of PO Box 29, Sparta, NJ.

Until next month, smooth sailing and God bless America!

Don Okner