August 2023 Papoose Article


 A Love Story 

By Marie Cramer 

It was early Jan. 2015 and my husband’s birthday was fast approaching! What do you get for a man who has Everything? 

We had recently moved to Lake Mohawk and while house hunting, decided to rent while we searched for our “forever” home. The rental was lakefront and had a great view of the Yacht Club. Many a day was spent watching the sailboat races from our back patio, and it looked so cool, classy and exciting while heeling over chasing wind! 

As I pondered what gift to get for him, I began my internet search for the “ultimate” surprise. 

Both of us had grown up on the water, our childhood years spent boating. My older brother would take me out on our sunfish here in Lake Mohawk, catching that wind and putting the vessel heeled over at a scary 45 degrees, laughing as his little sister cried and begged to “GO HOME”! 

My husband, however, had never experienced sailing, so it was the gift that year that would change his perspective from motor boating on a river in Wisconsin to the wider landscape of a lake in New Jersey with a single sail. 

Facebook advertised a Classic 1972 Sunfish in Connecticut, and it was affordable! But how would I get it back to Lake Mohawk? My only means was our Nissan Ultima and so, off we went in hopes to pull this off. Can we strap it to the roof of the Nissan? 

The weather of course, was cold and snowy with dangerous driving conditions at best, but we were determined to succeed. My son and his partner agreed to go with me on the “3 Hour Tour” which was a white knuckled drive to the seller. We made it in one piece. 

It turns out he was a retired colleague from my work place for Space and Defense, helping to put together the Thaad Missile that keeps us all safe today! I was immediately at ease for buying the vessel. I owe many thanks to him as my husband continues to sail Ree Ree 2 eight years later. Its a small world! 

This 50 year old Sunfish successfully sailed for all those years and now has a new “sailer” at the helm here at Lake Mohawk. 

While I don’t know if I can ever TOP that birthday gift, all those years ago, I remain the love of his life and the Best Gift Giver, Ever! 32 Years together! 

Since joining this historic Yacht Club, we enjoy the company of its members, making new memories, having new adventures, both on the water and off. This historic club has been active since 1938 still bringing a life style that families enjoy today. Sailing in the wind brings a unexplained serenity that has entertained families for generations and I would say “rivals any modern technology available today”. 

We welcome new members to start their own adventures. LMYC offers the use of numerous vessels both large and small, weekly racing including Regatta’s, lessons and fun social events. Come join us!