Moorman DNA Project

The Moorman DNA Project at Family Tree DNA

Note: Throughout this website Moorman, Moormann, Moreman, and various other spellings are often treated as Moorman.

This project was created on 28 June 2021 for:

    • Those men with the surname of Moorman who had taken a Y-DNA test at FTDNA are strongly requested to join.

    • Anyone that is descended from the Moorman Family with a FamilyFinder or transferred "at-DNA" kit are also encouraged to join.

My initial interest and direction for this project is the Moorman family in early Virginia that was heavily inter-married with the Johnson Family. See the Zachariah Moorman Family page. It would be nice to have Y-DNA results to verify many of the lines of descent since many do not have birth or baptism records.

As other geographical areas and branches are found the project will be expanded and other project managers invited to help manage them.

Welcome to the Project. It is a work-in-progress.
