3. Benjamin Johnson and Mary Moorman

3. Benjamin Johnson and Mary Moorman

Benjamin appears to be the son of John Johnson and Elizabeth Massie

His date of birth is unknown. If Elizabeth was his mother he had to have been born before 20 Feb 1725/6 when Elizabeth died.

Caution: There are several Benjamin Johnsons with wives named Mary and they and their children are often confused.

See Benjamin Johnsons - some that are not in the Olive Group

Benjamin Johnson of Hanover

On 17 Oct 1748 (17/7/1748) at Henrico Monthly Meeting in Henrico, Virginia, British America.

Benjamin Johnson & Mary Moorman's declaration of intent to marry, but in these records, no parents are listed. Ann Moore & Agnes Johnson appointed to examine her clearness to marry.

[Ann and Agnes will be at the wedding. Agnes (formerly Clark) is obviously not his mother.]

Benjamin was of the Henrico MM and lived in Hanover Co. His bride-to-be, Mary Moorman, was of the Camp Creek MM and lived in Louisa Co. After the marriage they both came under the Camp Creek M.

He was on 1 Nov 1748 at Henrico Monthly Meeting in Henrico, Virginia, British America. Benjamin was granted certificate to marry

Benjamin was on 15 Nov 1748 at Henrico Monthly Meeting in Henrico, Virginia, British America. Christopher Clark and Charles Moorman appointed to attend the above marriage.

On 19 Nov 1748 they were married

Where as Benjamin Johnson of the county of Hanover in the Colony of Virginia and Mary Moorman of the county of Louisa in the Collony afore having declaired their intentions of marriage with ech other before several monthly meetings of the people called Quakers as in afore said accounting to the good order used amongst them and having the consent of parants, there so proposal of marriage was allowed by the said meetings.

Now there are to certify whome it may concern that for the full accomplishing their sd intentions this of 19 of ye 8 m in the year of our lord 1748 the? Benjmon Johnaon and Mary Moorman appearing in a publish meeting of the people and sd Benjamin Johnson did take sd Mary Moorman by the hand in a solemn Manner openly declair that he took her the said Mary moorman to be his wife promising witht eh lord acceptance to be unto her a faithfull and loving husband until death shall be separate them.

And then and there in the same assembly the said Mary Moorman did in like makkor declair that she took the said Benjamin Johnson to be her husband promising with the lord assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving wife until death shall separate them and move over the said Benjamin and Mary the according to the customs of marriage assuming the name of her husband as a further confirmation thate of did he and there to those present felt that


Benjamin Johnson

Mary Johnson

Thos Moorman

Chas Moorman

Xpher Clark

? Clark

Charles Moorman

John Moore

James Johnson

Benj Johnson

David Terrell

Edward Clark

Chas Dugless

Rachal Moorman

Ann Moor

Agness Johnson

Penelope Clark

Elizabeth Moorman

Sarah Johnson

A Closer Look at the Witnesses

It might appear that Ben was closely related to the family of Ben and Agnes.

Agnes was formerly a Clark is the sister to Rachel Clark the bride's mother.

All of the witnesses are related to the Clark & Moorman family except for three people. John & Ann Moore + James Johnson

Benjamin Johnson Groom

Mary Johnson Bride

Thos Moorman Bride’s Father

Chas Moorman Bride’s Grandfather Camp Creek appointed to attend

Xpher Clark Christopher - Bride’s Grandfather & Camp Creek appointed to attend

? Clark Bride’s cousin or uncle

Charles Moorman Bride’s Uncle or 15 year old brother

John Moore Husband of Ann

James Johnson

Benj Johnson Husband of Agness Johnson

David Terrell Future husband of Sarah Johnson

Edward Clark Bride’s Brother

Chas Dugless Bride’s 1st cousin – son of Judith Moorman (Thomas’ sister)

Rachal Clark Moorman Bride’s Mother

Ann Moor(e) Appointed to examine Mary Moorman

Agness (Clark) Johnson Bride’s Aunt & wife of Benj - Appointed to examine Mary Moorman

Penelope Clark Bride’s Grandmother

Elizabeth Moorman Bride’s Grandmother

Sarah Johnson Dau of Ben & Agness

Ann Moore, who was appointed to attend the wedding & her husband John Moore

Who is James Johnson? Probably the only relative of Benjamin. The next oldest child of John & Elizabeth. The James Johnson that married Lucy Moorman on 5 Mar 1739 in New Kent and later sold his brother land at a family discount.

On 23 July 1752 Benjamin purchased property from James & Lucy Johnson at a great discount.

Book: A, Page: 471, Grantor: James Johnson and Lucy, his wife, Grantee: Benjamin Johnson, Date: 23-Jul-1752

James Johnson and Lucy, his wife, to Benjamin Johnson, both of Fredericksville Par., Louisa Co. #13 currt. money. 70 acres in Fredericksville Par. Thomas Moreman's and Francis Smithson's corner crossing Peter's Creek... John Davis' line. ... Smithson's line. Sig. James Johnson, Lucy Johnson 28 July 1752 acknowledged by James Johnson and Lucy Johnson.

Thomas Moorman & Rachel Clark were Mary's father. Their property was originally owned by Christopher Clark, Rachel's father.

Benjamin and Mary later sold the property as part of a larger sale in 1763 before going to Bedford.

Book: C, Page: 206, Grantor: Benjamin Johnson and Mary Johnson his wife, Grantee: Drury Pulliam, Date: 10-May-1763

Benjamin Johnson and Mary Johnson his wife of Louisa Co. to Drury Pulliam of Henrico Co.; #74 curr. money; 125 acres bounded by lines of Thomas Moreman, James Johnson.... down Poor Creek ... David Anderson's line. Sig. Benjamin Johnson and Mary Johnson.

Benjamin was on 11 Feb 1764 at Cedar Creek MM in Bedford, Virginia, British America. 1764, 2, 11. "From our MM held at Cedar Creek in the 11th of the 2nd mo 1764 to the MM of South River, Va.

"Dear Frs: Whereas Benjamin Johnson being rem from under the care of our mtg & now settled within the verge of your mtg he hath rq of us a few lines by way of recommendation unto you, after the needful care taken we do not find but what he has settled his outward affairs to the Satisfaction we farther certify on his behalf that his manner of life & conversation hath always been such among us as rendered him held in unity by us & as such we recommend him to you. Strangeman Hutchins, Clerk

(Note by D.S.B.) Immediately following, the above entry is the entry below: "William Johnson, s Benjamin & Mary, b the 2nd of 12th mo. 1757.” This entry is followed by the b of James & Rachel to same parents

(Note by W.W.H.)

Cedar Creek MM birth lists show the births of the first four ch of this fam, the 4th ch being William, b 1756,8,12 d next day. The first ch listed by South River MM being as shown above, another William b 1757,12,22. It was the custom to name another ch after the one which d young. Listed with this 2nd William are James b 1759,12,20 & Rachel b 1762,3,26. Three other ch are listed farther on in the South River Register, viz.;-Elizabeth b 1764,5,15; Mildred b 1766,7,4 & Christopher b 1769,3,4. While it is clearly shown by a minute dtd 1762,8,21 that Benjamin Johnson was in Bedford Co. at that time, it is not clear as to the dte of his rem; nor is it clear whether he previously lived in Hanover Co. or Louisa Co., Va.

1764, 3, 17. Benjamin & fam rocf Cedar Creek MM, Va.

Benjamin & fam received Cedar Creek MM, Va. on 17 Mar 1764 in Bedford, Virginia, British America. 1764, 3, 17. Cert received recommended for Zachariah Moorman & Benjamin Johnson from Cedar Creek monthly meeting, Va., which were read & directed to be recorded & they recommended to the notice of the overseers

Benjamin's Will

Benjamin signed a will on 22 Nov 1768 in Bedford, Virginia, British America. The Last Will & Testament of Benjamin Johnson dated 22 Nov 1768 and probated Sept. 26, 1769, in Will Book 1, page 86, Bedford Co., VA.

"In the name of God Amen, I Benjamin Johnson of Bedford County& Russell Parrish being weak in Body But of Perfect Memory Do mak Constitute & Ordain this to be my last Will & Testament in manner following that is to say Imprimis

I give & Bequeath Unto my Son Thomas Johnson one Horse & a Cow & Calf when married or comes of Lawful age to him his airs or assigns forever

Item, I give & Bequeath unto my son John Johnson a Horse & Cow & Calf when Married or comes of Lawfull age to him his airs & assigns forever.

Item, I give & Bequeath unto my Son Andrew Johnson a Horse & Cow & Calf when married or comes of Lawfull age to him his airs & assigns forever

Item I give & bequeath unto my son William Johnson a horse & Cow & Calf when married or comes of Lawfull age to him his airs & assigns forever Item I give & bequeath unto my

Son James Johnson a Horse & Cow & Calf when married or Comes of Lawfull age to him his airs & assigns forever.

Item I give & Bequeath unto my Daughter Rachel Johnson a Horse & Cow & Calf when married or Comes of Lawfull age to her airs & assigns forever.

Item I give & Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Johnson a Horse & Cow & Calf when Married or comes of Lawful age to her aires & assigns forever Item

I give &bequeath unto my Daughter Mildred Johnson a Horse & Cow & Calf when married or Comes of Lawful age to her airs forever

Item I give & Bequeath unto my son Christopher Johnson a Horse & Cow & Calf when married or Comes of Lawfull age to him his airs forever.

Item I lend to my beloved wife during the Terms of Life a NegroGirl Named Sarah & her Increase & the plantashon whereon we now Live & the Land Containing Two Hundred& fifty Acers be the same more or less with imprvements & appurtance there belonging & also all the Rest & Remainder of my personal Estate of What Nature or Quallity soever not herein particular before given or mentshoned During the Terme of Life &

after her decease I Desire that my Estate may be Equally Divided amongst all my Children above mentioned they their airs & asines forever

Lastly I Appoint my wife Mary Johnson to be my Excutor & I appoint Charles Lynch with him & Micajah Terrel, Benjamin Johnson L S Teste Henry Tate Bowlen Clark Sarah Tate Jesse Tate

He died on 18 Aug 1769 at the age of 42 in Bedford, Virginia, British America. Benjamin Johnson 8-18-1769

"Record of Deaths Amongst Friends of Campbell and Bedford Counties Taken From the Old Southriver Meeting Book" "Our Quaker Friends p45"

He had his estate probated on 26 Sep 1769 in Bedford, Virginia, British America. At a Court held for Bedford County Sepr. 26th 1769. The within Last Will & Testament of Benjamin Johnson Decd, was Exhibitied in Court by Mary Johnson Charles Lynch & Micajah Terril Executrix & Executors therein Named & Proved by the Oaths of Henry Tate Sarah Tate & Jesse Tate & Ordered to be Recorded& on the motion of the said Executrix & Executors who made Oath According to Law they have first Entered into Bond with Security &acknowledged the same for their due & Faithfull Execution of the said Last Will & Testament Certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in Due form of Law Teste Ben Howard, C.B.C. A Copy-Teste: (Sgd) U. W.Nichols, clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Bedford, Virginia

Mary Moorman, daughter of Thomas Moorman and Rachael Clark, was born on 19 Dec 1730 in Green Springs, Louisa, Virginia. Mary Moorman was born on December 19, 1730, in Hanover County, Virginia

She was granted certificate to Bedford Co., VA. on 18 Dec 1763 at Cedar Creek Meeting house in Hanover, Virginia, British America. p.130 and 131, Certificates of Removal Received by South River Meeting

From the Monthly Meeting held at Cedar Creek in Hanover County 12-18-1763

Dear Friends:

Mary Johnson and Betty Moorman having removed from under the care of our Meeting and settled within the verge of your Meeting. They have requested of us a few lines by way of recommendation unto you, and we hereby certify that their lives, conduct and conversation hath been such that we have good unity with them, and recommend them to your care and subscribe ourselves your friends and brethren. William Stanley, Clerk.

Mary Johnson (now Miller) disowned for married out of unity and by a priest. on 25 Feb 1771 in Bedford, Virginia, British America.

Mary died on 9 Jun 1814 at the age of 83 in Hanover, Virginia, United States.

Benjamin Johnson and Mary Moorman had the following children:

+2 i. Thomas Johnson, born 14 Jan 1749/50, Hanover, Virginia, British America; married Ann Varnum in 1776; died 1834, Xenia, Greene, Ohio, United States. An ancestor of William Wade Hinshaw.

+3 ii. John J. Johnson, born 14 Mar 1751/2, Hanover, Virginia, British America; married Agnes Clark, Campbell, Virginia, British America.

4 iii. Andrew Johnson DAR was born on 7 Apr 1754 in Louisa, Virginia, British America. p 11 Our Quaker Friends 1905

Andrew, a young Friend was dismissed "listing in the military to go in a warlike manner against the Indians” on 18 Mar 1775 at South River in Bedford, Virginia, British America.

He served in the American Revolutionary Army

Removed to Ohio with his brothers, Thomas, William & James

Lived: in Port Clinton, Ohio, United States.

5 iv. William Johnson was born on 12 Aug 1756 in Louisa Virginia, British America. He died on 13 Aug 1756 at the age of 0 in Hanover, Virginia, British America. p11 Our Quaker Friends 1905

6 v. William Johnson DAR was born on 22 Dec 1757 at in Louisa Virginia, United States. He was in 1775 at South River in Bedford, Virginia, British America.

1775, 3, 18. William, a young Fr, dis "listing in the military to go in a warlike manner against the Indians” (Note by W.W.H.)

He served in the American Revolutionary Army

Removed to Ohio with his brothers, Thomas, Andrew & James

He lived in Clinton, Ohio, United States.

+7 vi. James Johnson DAR, born 20 Dec 1759, Louisa, Virginia, United States; married Abigal Barton, abt 1778, Greene, Tennessee, United States; died 4 Feb 1828, Greene, Tennessee, United States.

+8 vii. Rachel Johnson, born 26 Mar 1762, Louisa, Virginia, United States; married John Jr. Miller, 1783.

+9 viii. Elizabeth Johnson, born 15 May 1764, Bedford, Virginia, United States; married Samuel Fisher, 22 Dec 1802, Ivey Creek Meeting House, Bedford, VA.

10 ix. Mildred Johnson was born on 4 Jul 1766 in Bedford, Virginia, United States. Not listed in Benjamin's will

+11 x. Christopher Johnson, born 4 Mar 1769 in Bedford, Virginia, United States; married Elizabeth Hancock, 2 Nov 1791, Bedford, Virginia, United States; died abt 1812, Knox, Tennessee, United States.

Second Generation

John J. Johnson, (14 Mar 1751 - ) > Kit # 69599 - 25

Christopher Johnson (4 Mar 1769 - 1812) > Kit #255189 - 37