Jeff's Ancestors

My Family Lines

    • Maternial Grandfather's family from: Scotland, England, Mass., Conn., New York, Illinois

    • Maternial Grandmother's family from: Virginia, Ohio, Bureau County Illinois, Iowa

    • Paternal Grandfather was born in Nicaragua to Danish parents back to Denmark & Holstein

    • Paternal Grandmother from: Austria (Slovenia) - Slovenian Records

This is a list of the relatives that I have found and feel fairly confident with claiming.

DNA - Ancestry Autosomal DNA results have been uploaded to

    • Y-DNA matches back to other Bockmann variations from Lubeck area.

    • Gedmatch kit A132479 - My mother Jane Stevenson Bockman's results are kit A461006.

    • FTDNA - both were uploaded to FamiyTree & are in the Johnson DNA Project.

    • MyHeritage - both were uploaded there as well

    • Johnson DNA Project - Olive Group Project Manager and Webmaster - Olive Group site

    • Partial list of my Ancestors to help my new 4th & 5th DNA cousins find a common ancestor.

Historic Family Photographs - only a few have been linked to the person's name.


Johnson Family

    • I chopped down my grandmother's Magna Carta and DAR lines due to lack of proof and questions with the lineage of "our" James Johns(t)on / Jones links in Virgina.

    • However, Y-DNA results appear to connect the family back to the James Seneca Johnson that married Millie Moorman (the daughter of Zachariah Moorman) on 1 Sept 1779 in Campbell county, Virginia.

    • Millie's mother was Elizabeth Terrell daughter of Henry. There are questions about the connection of this line back to the early England family that married Royal descendants and one that "accidently" killed the King

Family Pages

My Wife's Family Lines

From: Ohio and Pennsylvania

My wife and her mother have DNA results at Ancestry, FTDNA, and MyHeritage.

Her brother has a Y-DNA test at FTDNA