Scripting Lessons

Scripting Lessons is a growing, incomplete section of our classes. Some of these lessons are going through review and we are still looking for more scripting teachers. If you want to teach, PM Domswolf on Rōblox and take a test to determine your spot.

Note: These Lessons are a perfect learning order so please start by reading the first one if you are a beginner. Read any lesson you don't know much about and you will become a professional game developer in no time with the help of our teachers.


Domswolf (Beginners)- Skype Lessons, PM Lessons, Written Lessons, Video Lessons, Occasional Livestreaming

Owner of Imagination Tech, Co-Owner of PurpleDev Studios, Expert Showcase Builder, Furniture Designer

iiDevelopers (All levels)- PM Lessons, Written Lessons

Owner of Development Team PurpleDev Studios, Expert Builder and Scripter, Former Imagination Tech VP of Development.

Snapcash (Intermediates)- PM Lessons, Skype Lessons, Written Lessons

Imagination Tech Veteran, Scripter and Builder, Likes Windōws 10!

Coo1o (All Levels) - PM Lessons, Written Lessons

Co-Owner of PurpleDev Studios, Expert Scripter. Note: that this teacher is not confirmed

Lessons are located below as subpages