Building Lesson 012: Smooth Terrain

Hello Builders, now I am quite sure that everyone has heard that for the first time, Rōblox has amazing terrain now. Terrains used to look a little something like this:

Now they can be something great like this:

I will teach you how to master this new feature so you can make amazing terrain for your games. I decided to wait a while to do this lesson because now roblox has added tons of new terrain materials. These materials include Grass, Sand, Rock, Stone, Bricks, Planks, Water, Ice, Magma, Snow, and tons more. Picture by Asimo3089

Let’s start with generating a terrain. Go to your Terrain tab in Studio and click the button that says Convert To Smooth, this will allow you to make something that isn’t uh…..this….old thing we call a terrain. No offense Roblox, but this old terrain is terrible compared to what we are ALL looking at right now.

Click on the generate button and you will find a wide variety of options for your generation, including water level, mountain span, height, even snowcapping mountain tops. Once you’ve found something you like, click generate and let the terrain load.

Now that you have your terrain, time to add some customization. Like the old terrain tools, this smooth terrain has an Add and Subtract button, where you can control how high or low an area is.

You can even cut through terrain, making an amazing cave system.

The Paint tool allows you to take any material and simply draw an area into that material. You can even make it look more natural by changing the strength

Builder’s Tip: If you want to make some sort of “Biome” paint the outlines of the biome at low strength and then as you move towards the center of your biome, make the strength stronger. Do it quite gradually and with patience.

The Grow and Erode Tools are similar to Add and Subtract, but they appear more smooth and mix in with other materials.

The Smooth Tool (obviously) smoothens out the terrain while still keeping physical features (so rocks will still be there).

The regions tool allows you to select certain parts of the terrain and tamper with it, or even disconnect it (in a somewhat-smooth way) from the mainland. This can create floating islands with apparent meteor strikes.

With this amazing new tool, I know you can all make something great. Keep up the good work everyone!


P.S. Those pictures are a part of my new terrain photo series “Waterways”. Very soon it can be found on my page.