Imagination Technology: Our future as it stands

Post date: Jul 9, 2017 5:10:29 AM

Back in 2014, Pinewood Destroyers was founded with a purpose: to destroy the Pinewood core. We patrolled there everyday, and if you dared tried to keep the core safe, well, we killed you. End of story. Confused? Some of you are. Others are not. To some, I am blabbering on about irrelevancy; to others, the simple history of Imagination Tech. To those wondering, Pinewood Destroyers is where this all began. Funny, right? Development group beginning with a purpose to destroy the Pinewood core. Hilarious! Yet, it brought so many close together, and created something more wonderful than anyone could ever imagine.

Most of our original founders and members have come and gone. Some, such as I, remain here to this day on this cursed game. Recently, I found myself in a bit of a pickle; I needed lessons in building and scripting, as I began a project. I tried YouTube tutorials, ROBLOX Wiki, and lessons from others; yet I couldn't just get it. After days of browsing, I came to the realization: Hey! I still have the Imagination Tech website! All of the data is still there, and with luck, it might even help me out! And so, as I've tried before, the days of learning began again. Halfway through this, I stopped. I finally realized after all these years the real purpose of Imagination Tech, the purpose I tried to change, and in some cases forgot about completely. The purpose was to teach. To help others understand, to help others learn. The purpose was to create a class of developers, and teach like no other group on ROBLOX has taught before. The purpose... the very one that I had forgotten, tried to destroy, and tried to change time and time again. The purpose. I found it.

Though, Imagination Technology has been, and still is, so stupid that even when its members attempted to revive the group, supposedly slowly and painfully, it failed miserably! All former members could've invited to return, but they hate this group so much that it shall be murdered!

PS: Stupid things like this are the reason net neutrality was voted against by the FCC; less internet = less broken promises!

NikolaiGretsky / XxTitansxX don't deserve the thanks anymore! Hahahahahahaha!

President of Imagination Technology