Game Concept; Developer Chance!

Post date: Nov 30, 2015 4:07:45 PM

Hello ladies and gentlemen!

Before I start with what the main post is about, I want to thank you all for remaining with Imagination Tech through such difficult times. As you recently saw, I was demoted from Vice President to "Security", while others who were inactive were simply demoted to Authorities. I want to thank my good friend, and Head Authority, matteeka, for ranking me up to Authorities. As an Authoritative member I will proceed to make the group better with using the plans I developed while I was Vice President-- plans I never initiated. I will be returning, sooner or later, to Imagination Tech with funds and more. I will return, and make us succeed once again, and do what our Founder, Domswolf, wanted us to do-- learn, teach, succeed.

Going on with my post, I would like to ask every single one of you to listen up. I am creating a brand new game on ROBLOX, called, "Life in Prison". It will be like "Prison Life" in a sense, but a lot better. There will be a more advanced GUI system involved in it, and a better built map-- something "Prison Life" currently lacks. I have already begun the progress in creating items for the individual cells, and will be posting progress on a little blog I will publish here on the Imagination Tech website. Now, to do all of this, I need more people. This is where you come in. I am requesting members from Imagination Tech, those who are knowledgeable with GUI's, scripting, & building. Here is the set amount of helpers I will need:

- One builder

- One scripter

- One GUI designer

To apply for any of these positions for my new game, please send me a message via ROBLOX @ NikolaiGretsky.




Vice President / Web Master