Building Lesson 013: The Majestic Windows Logo!

Windows 10 to you. Since Comic Sans was harder to put on, especially on mobile, I decided to use Georgia. I kinda wanted to make a lesson after a long time, so I decided it be about something that everyone on earth should know how to do: build a Windows logo.

First, we take a normal block that we insert. Don't forget to resize it so it fits.

Secondly, we duplicate it 4 times. This is for all the negative parts we'll union into the logo. For two of the duplicated parts, we change one of their X size to 0.2, or similar size. We do the same for the other, but with the Z axis.

The other 2 will do different. The first one will move up on the shorter axis, and rotate 10 degrees anticlockwise. For the other, we move it the other direction, and rotate 10 degrees clockwise.

We negate...