
Post date: Jan 22, 2015 3:32:34 PM

Hello everyone, as you probably know, my suspension is up, and I'm back.

I'm proud to announce that Imagination Tech will be adding their lessons to the website soon! What lessons you ask? Why, only the most awesome Scripting & Building lessons put together by our own Domswolf, SaphirieKV, & some other contributors! When are they coming you ask? Well, that I can't answer as I'm not allowed to release the date in which it will be released. As you know there is two tabs that say 'Scripting Lessons' & 'Building Lessons'. Those do NOT have the lessons in them YET. We will be adding them soon. Anyone learning building, there will be video links to the building tutorials that our led by our own Domswolf.

In other news, we have several game projects that need more attention. We are looking for experienced developers & builders for these games. They all can be found on Domswolf's profile. The projects needing more attention include: City of Bloximore, Beyond The Stars, Secrets in December, & some others. If you would like to help with any of the projects, please PM Domswolf.

Thanks everyone, hope you all are having a great day! I hope that we can continue to be one of the best groups here on ROBLOX.

- XxTitansxX