Advanced Unions 003- Round Union Technique

Hello everyone! Domswolf here with a new unions lesson! As promised I will be discussing the round union technique that I showed everyone briefly last time. This time, by making a rock you will all learn to make round, realistic shapes that will blow your friend's minds. Keep in mind this technique is used by not many. But both me and IT building teacher Electiz use this technique for our projects. And personally, we both think it provides a more realistic look to your game.

So once again, we start with just a normal brick. Maybe use a 4 by 4 by 4 brick for this lesson (you can resize later). Now first I am going to place a quarter-ring of negative parts along one side of the rock like this.

When we cut it out we get a nice round cut into it. However we want the whole rock to be curvy, so now we get into the magic of the round union technique. Take the 3 negative parts and duplicate them. Rotate them 180 degrees and place them on the other side.

Now since we don't want the rock to resemble a perfect sphere (we don't want the same rotation technique all over the brick), do something to make the new negative parts a bit different. Maybe make one part longer or add another negative part to make it more round. You could take one out even. Anything you think will make it look different. TIP: The arch shape not covered by the negative parts can show you how different you make the rotation shape.

We want this rotation technique all around the brick so take all the negative parts you have now and duplicate them. We do not want the same rotation technique on one side and another technique on the other, so rotate this collection of bricks about 150 degrees (using 1/5th snap, it is 10 notches in either direction).

Since we want variety at all angles of this rock, do not be afraid to change the quarter-ring yet a third time.

Once you have done that, take all of the negative parts you have now, and fill the rest (or almost the rest) of the rock. You do not want any flat areas.

Over and over again I will tell you that variety is key when using the rotation technique, so to make it look different from all angles, randomly select 2-4 negative parts to take out. Once you have done that, you are ready to actually union this thing. Only do 3-6 negative parts at a time because you may end up getting an error like this:

Congratulations! You now have your first unioned rock. With this round union technique you can change all the plants you have made in this class and make them look more realistic and detailed by using this lesson. Now this technique takes a lot of practice so if you can, I want you to practice by making a unique unioned rock every day before you build. Think of it kinda like a warm up. Now here is a picture of scripting teacher Snapcash....




Make 5 unique rocks of different shapes and sizes

Put rocks on sand and water to make a rocky beach