Building Test 001: Dev Trainee Promotion

TEST DETAILS- To rank up...

Hello, you are reading this because I have taught you through the Dev Student curriculum. While this was a short one, the other stuff we will do in later lessons will take a while due to the complexity. This test will tell me whether or not you are ready to move up to a Dev Trainee.

The Assignment: Create anything you want fitting the criteria given. You can build a house, a tree, a furnace, whatever you want.

Criteria: You must reach at least a 4 score in order to rank up (best score possible is 5, lowest is 1)

In order to get a 4 you must have:

No free models (trust me, I'll know)

1-3+ lights (At least one PointLight)

At least 1 Union

40+ Bricks (Use BrickCounter plugin if needed)

Examples of Rotation used

Examples of Transparency used

Variety of Materials and Colors

Good luck to all. If you do not pass, you can always try again
