Imagination Technology Died in 2,000, and So Will You!

Post date: Oct 9, 2018 12:23:33 AM

This isn't a eulogy to Imagination Tech... this is a hard, deep roast:

  • None of its other members know how to code.
    • Every proposition at revival has failed miserably.
    • The average IQ of a former IT member was 93. Scoring 120 or higher is considered good.
    • Grammatical errors are as rampant as a needle... in a pile of other needles!
    • Nobody celebrates British culture the same.
    • The logo is ugly and has been ugly since 2,000.
    • It has been under currupt leadership for the latter half of its existence.
    • Snapcash was the only good editor on this entire site.
    • The inception of this group was the impetus of various terrorist attacks around the world.
    • Donald Trump made an 11 minute speech condemning the group's weak community aspect.