Building Lesson 009: More Trees

Hello Builders, welcome to yet a third lesson on making your own plants. Today we will discuss how to make a pine tree and a palm tree.

Pine Tree

Let’s begin with a pine tree. First what we want to do is, like last time, begin with just one tall brick

Above that brick (so wood does not stick out) make a small brick about 0.2 bigger on each side.

We are going to make several of these going down, and each time, extend the brick 0.2 studs on each side like so

Now this time around, we want the pine tree to come out more. The sooner you start making it extend 0.4 studs, the fatter your tree will get. This is why I think I did this too early since my tree is very...uh….large.

So now that we have our tree like this, it looks kind of weird still. First of all, we want again, variation. First, let’s make some color variation like we did with the other tree.

Now let’s make rotation variation. We want to do this two ways. For starters, make the y rotation value different for each square.

Now take 3 or 4 of the squares and slightly tilt them about 10 degrees. No more!

There you have it. Now you have a pine tree. Now let’s move onto the palm tree

Palm Tree

The palm tree is a little more complicated so I will go a bit deeper into explanation. First you want to start out with a brick like last time. Either you can have it tilted or you can have it straight. I will show you how to make a tilted palm tree like seen in Island House by AgentTech, another one of his projects that contains crazy mesh use.

So to do a tilted palm tree, do something similar to the first tree we made in lesson 7. Make slightly tilted parts that are a bit smaller every time like shown here.

Here is the tricky part. Last lesson we worked with cylinder unions. If you want a small curve, you have to make a big cylinder, so this is what I did: I took the cylinder and used unions to cut out this piece.

We’ll tend to the other sides later, this time we will take small bricks and have them stem out from these cylinder unions like shown in this picture. Remember to make very slight rotation variety so it matches the curve better.

Now this next part is easy. Simply select all the green parts, duplicate it, and then turn it around a variety of degrees so you have it on many sides. I usually do 5 branches.

There you have it, you now know how to make three types of trees, and as far as I know, the only three tree types ever used in roblox. With the skills I have taught you in the last 3 lessons, you are ready to begin epic landscape scenery for any game or showcase of yours.

Builder’s Tip: If you want to put your tree on a terrain but don’t want to constantly move it down so the wood is below the terrain, simply make the wooden part a mesh and change the scale so it looks like the wood is below the surface. Or you could change the name of all your trees to a certain name. Then go into your Explorer and select all the files named that. Select them all and move them downward a few notches.
