Building Lesson 011: Transform Tool

Hello Builders. This lesson, we will be focusing on Roblox’ newest update (at point of this lesson being written). If you are wondering if it is the terrain tool, that is next lesson. This time we will discuss the Transform tool.

This tool can be found in the Model tab in your Studio. When you use it on a brick, it looks like this:

Now this tool in my opinion is one of the best updates in roblox this year, along with group creations and smooth terrain. This is basically all the tools in one. The curved arrows will rotate the brick, the dots on the sides of the bricks are the scales, where obviously, you can change the size of an axis, as discussed in lesson 1. This only applies to the blue dots, which you may notice their twin siblings the white dots.

The white dots are the thing that make this update so cool. With these corner scale tools, for the first time, scale two axis at a time, as seen here.

This Transform tool also shows you the measurements of what you are doing. From scale sizes to rotation degrees. This is a major improvement of what I used to do. Before this update, I would go to my properties and scroll down and stare at the size axis measurements from there while I worked. Now I don’t even have to look away.

Let’s look at bit closer at the rotation tool. When you use it, you can see a mini-protractor (tool for measuring angles) appear on your screen. If your cursor is on the inside of the quarter circle, you can scale the brick by a factor of 22.5 degrees (then 45, 67.5, and 90). If you take your cursor outside the protractor, you can rotate it by 1 degree per notch without having to use the Off button. This is an improvement from before when you would change rotations by like 0.381 or whatever, now you can keep better track of your measurements.

With beginning AND advanced building this tool is very helpful and I highly recommend it. Thanks for tuning in to this short lesson. Next lesson we will begin discussing the new smooth terrain tool on roblox, which has transformed roblox to look like it came out of an XBox.
